Ruby Weekly
Issue 242 — April 16, 2015
Richard Schneeman tackles a commonly asked question in the Ruby world, concluding with a look at a recent discovery by Aaron Patterson.

As covered in CVE-2015-1855, Ruby’s OpenSSL extension suffers a vulnerability due to overly permissive hostname matching. That’s all these releases resolve though.

Ilija Eftimov
Covers Enumerable#slice_after, Enumerable#slice_when, Float#next_float, File#birthtime, Method#super_method and a few others.

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The Pragmatic Studio
Mike Clark is back with yet another slickly produced 15 minute video covering interesting Ruby stuff. This time, he looks at the metaprogramming behind creating something a la ActiveRecord’s has_many.

Chris Kottom
Minitest 5.6.0 came out this week and while your existing tests will keep working (for now), some key changes have been introduced that will affect the way you write new tests.

Matt Brictson
A variety of suggestions on packages, settings, mappings, and more.


In brief