Ruby Weekly
Issue 280 — January 14, 2016
Daniel P. Clark
A fun grab bag of interesting things (and their usage) in Ruby, from Hash#invert and IRB’s _ to unary operators and aliases. How many do you already know?

Ben Halpern
A brief interview with DHH about Rails’ position in the world of frameworks, Rails 5’s new features, and what other programming ideas are on his radar.

RailsConf 2016
Get in before midnight Central on January 15. The event takes place in Kansas City this May 4-6.

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Nate Berkopec
While full support for HTTP/2 in Ruby web frameworks is still a way off, you can still benefit from it and it’s worthwhile learning what’s coming in the future anyway.

Syed Humza Shah
An interesting look at how two seemingly equivalent pieces of code do not compile to the same thing internally.

Nick Janetakis
Read about the advantages of using Docker and learn how to build and dockerize a Ruby on Rails application that uses PostgreSQL, Redis and Sidekiq.

John Leach
Brightbox has again created some handy Ubuntu packages for the latest version of Ruby.

Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
A complete introduction to oPRO (OAuth PROvider), a Rails engine from Richard Schneeman that lets you quickly build your own authentication provider.


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