#​554 — May 27, 2021

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

Ruby 3 JIT Can Make Rails Faster — Ruby introducing its own JIT compiler got people pretty excited at the potential performance increases, but it hasn't suited many real world situations, such as Rails apps, so far. But things are changing. Taking a “compile all the things” approach with Ruby 3.0 can bring performance improvements (modest for now, but it’s promising).

Takashi Kokubun

ObjectTracer 1.0: Tracks Objects and Records Their Activities — Formerly known as tapping_device (we linked to it in #473) you’d use this to ‘listen’ to the events taking place on and within objects.

Stan Lo

Free eBook: Efficient Search in Rails with Postgres — Speed up a search query from seconds to milliseconds and learn about exact matches, trigrams, ILIKE, and full-text search.

pganalyze sponsor

📣  On the topic of Postgres, Postgres 14 beta 1 has just been released.

A Journey to Sorbet Stability — The latest in a series of posts about working with the Sorbet Ruby type checker and the how and why to integrate it with an existing app.

Alex Dunae

📘 Articles & Tutorials

Understanding Ruby Method Lookup — This is one of those topics that is always good to revisit (or see for the first time) to remember how many different ways methods can be added to classes and objects.

Kingsley Silas (Honeybadger Development Blog)

How and Why to Dockerize Your Rails App's Database — Containerizing databases is a controversial topic in production but in development it can make life a lot easier.

Jason Swett

Finally Upgrade From Your Unsupported Rails Version — FastRuby.io can work through every migration and deprecation while your team stays focused on shipping new features.

FastRuby.io sponsor

Using Postgres Row-Level Security in Rails — Row-level security in Postgres and Rails is much easier to configure and set up than you might imagine, but that doesn’t mean you should use it for everything.

Eze Sunday Eze

ActiveRecord's new Takes a Block, Kid — How to pass a block to different ActiveRecord methods to set attribute values. It compares passing the block to other options that ActiveRecord provides, along with comparing it to the tap method.

Kevin Murphy

Tracking Opened Emails in Rails — Ensure you have a legitimate reason to do so and that your use case complies with local privacy laws, of course.

Dmitry Ishkov

▶  A Chat with Chris Oliver, Creator of GoRailsGoRails is a popular Ruby and Rails education site (we link to their freely viewable videos quite often) and if you’re interested in the story behind the site and how it works as a business, this is worth a listen.

Rails with Jason Podcast podcast

▶  The RailsConf 2021 Story with Marty Haught and Evan Phoenix — Two directors of Ruby Central and organizers of RailsConf caught up with Brittany Martin to talk about how the fully online RailsConf 2021 came together and how RubyConf 2021 will work as a dual virtual and in-person event.

Ruby on Rails Podcast podcast

How to Opt Out of Google’s FLoC User Tracking in Rails
Andy Croll


Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer (Remote) — Join our distributed team and build high-volume eCommerce applications in a workplace made by developers for developers.

Engineering Manager Ruby — Lead the platform squad in an international environment, providing a personal educational budget and 30d of vacation.

Find Ruby Jobs with Hired — Take 5 minutes to build your free profile & start getting interviews for your next job. Companies on Hired are actively hiring right now.

🛠 Code and Tools

httplog 1.5.0: Log Outgoing HTTP Requests in Ruby — Potentially handy for debugging API integrations or just get a feel for what’s going on under the hood. Hooks into HTTP, HTTParty, Net::HTTP, OpenURI and others.

Thilo Rusche

Dentaku: Math and Logic Formula Parser and Evaluator — Allows run-time binding of values to variables referenced in user supplied formulas. Intended to safely evaluate untrusted expressions.

Solomon White

Too Much Work on Your Hands? Get More Done Faster 💪
Rails ❤️ Avo

Avo Admin for Rails sponsor

Rpush 6.0: A Push Notification Service for Ruby — A long standing project. Rpush supports numerous push notification services including those from Apple, Firebase, and Amazon, and this new release adds Ruby 3 and Rails 6.1 support. 6.0 drops Rails <5.2 support, fixes some APNS bugs, and improves Ruby 3.0 support.

Leitch et al.

Extralite: An Extra-Lightweight Gem for Working with SQLite3

Digital Fabric

Gruff Graphs 0.13.0: A Graphing Library for Ruby — Now an amazing 13 years old, Gruff has continued to receive updates and still works well if you want to render basic charts to graphics.

Geoffrey Grosenbach and Watson

No full Tip of the Week this week, but we enjoyed this tip on Twitter about using ActiveSupport::Configurable to add a config object to the classes of your choice.