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1.1.0 🚸

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@palkan palkan released this 01 Jun 11:47
· 141 commits to master since this release

This is a maintenance release. Most changes are internal and doesn't affect public APIs.


  • Ruby >= 2.6 is required.
  • Anyway Config >= 2.1 is required.


  • Added AnyCable::CLI.embed! to make it easier to run an RPC server within a custom Ruby process.


  • BREAKING Middlewares are no longer inherited from gRPC interceptors.

That allowed us to have real middlewares with ability to modify responses, intercept exceptions, etc.
The API changed a bit:

 class SomeMiddleware < AnyCable::Middleware
-  def call(request, rpc_call, rpc_handler)
+  def call(rpc_method_name, request, metadata)

See built-in middlewares, for example.

  • The anycable gem has been split into anycable-core and anycable.

The first one contains an abstract RPC implementation and all the supporting tools (CLI, protobufs), the second one adds the gRPC implementation.

Full release notes