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v3.0.0: Feature/Ability to specify whitelisted/blacklisted emails directly

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@bestwebua bestwebua released this 24 Oct 20:44
· 130 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

  • Feature/Ability to specify whitelisted/blacklisted emails by complete match by @bestwebua in #230
Truemail.configure do |config|
  # Optional parameter. Validation of email which contains whitelisted emails always will
  # return true. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_for
  # It is equal to empty array by default.
  config.whitelisted_emails = %w[]

  # Optional parameter. Validation of email which contains blacklisted emails always will
  # return false. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_for
  # It is equal to empty array by default.
  config.blacklisted_emails = %w[]

Full Changelog: v2.7.5...v3.0.0