19th April 2024 · 9 min read

Rails, Assets, ActiveStorage and a Cloudfront CDN

I’ve been building a number of apps using Rails recently and they run on servers that are, shall we say, not particularly optimal. I’m from Yorkshire and I live in Scotland so thriftiness is ingrained.

In a standard Rails app, all the bundled assets – your Javascript and CSS – are served directly from the app. The HTML will look something like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://app.teamlight.net/assets/application-629486516f003a1f5753039c95ff1e88c1b1fa8ca5f0cdfb5e611e09aee60f91.css" data-turbo-track="reload" />
<script src="https://app.teamlight.net/assets/application-86f9baccdd5ffcc51d3b67d2715e4cbe8350ca0213a6fe28fdcc1cc6402ea88d.js" data-turbolinks-track="reload"></script>

It’s nice and simple but you might want to offload this traffic from your app to a CDN. This will save you CPU cycles and it will make your app feel snappier for people. It can make a big difference.

I decided to try and do this for my apps using AWS Cloudfront as the CDN. It was a little fiddly to get my head around so I decided to write it up here in case you’ve been trying to do the same. Hopefully it will just work™ but, of course, YMMV.

There are two different configurations you’ll need to go through depending on your use case. The first is for serving Rails assets (which all Rails apps can use), the second for ActiveStorage. I’ll deal with each in turn.

Using a CDN for the Rails asset pipeline

Rails makes it easy to change the name of the host used for serving assets. All you need to do is set the asset_host config like this in your production.rb:

config.asset_host = ENV['ASSET_HOST']

In my use case, I wanted to keep the mailer asset host on my own domain (not on the CDN), so I have a separate line in my config for this:

config.asset_host = ENV['ASSET_HOST']
config.action_mailer.asset_host = "https://app.teamlight.net"

As we haven’t configured a CDN yet, you should set ENV['ASSET_HOST'] to your app domain for the time being.

Configure AWS Cloudfront

Creating a “distribution” in Cloudfront is fairly straightforward. I braved the AWS UI to do this but if you’re cleverer than me you could write Terraform or CloudFormation to automate it. Here’s how I did it in the UI.

  1. First create a new distribution. This will give you a domain which represents the CDN for your assets and it will look something like https://askj23h42jk.cloudfront.net.

  2. Configure the origin of the distribution in the “Origin” tab. The domain should be your app domain, and configure the protocol to match the viewer. You might be able to choose HTTPS only (which sounds better), but Match viewer works for me and I ain’t touching it! Origin 1
  3. Configure custom headers as below (obviously replacing the origin domain with your own). This part is the secret sauce.
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin       https://app.teamlight.net
    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials  true
    Access-Control-Allow-Headers      Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept
    Access-Control-Allow-Methods      GET, OPTIONS

    Origin 2

  4. Configure the behaviour of the distribution in the “Behaviour” tab. Select your origin from the drop down and configure the Viewer settings. I found I had to pick HTTP and HTTPS for reasons that are beyond my brain capacity. Behaviour 1 Although “Cache policy and origin request policy” is recommended, I found I had to use Legacy cache settings to get it working. The key thing here is the Response headers policy which you should set to CORS-with-preflight-and-SecurityHeadersPolicy . behaviour 2

That’s it! Simple, right? 💀

Your new distribution will have a domain like https://d28o4jfr91no89.cloudfront.net. Now you can configure your app so that the ASSET_HOST environment variable is set to this domain and, voila, your assets are now being served via a CDN! 🥳🤞

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://d28o4jfr91no89.cloudfront.net/assets/application-629486516f003a1f5753039c95ff1e88c1b1fa8ca5f0cdfb5e611e09aee60f91.css" data-turbo-track="reload" />
<script src="https://d28o4jfr91no89.cloudfront.net/assets/application-86f9baccdd5ffcc51d3b67d2715e4cbe8350ca0213a6fe28fdcc1cc6402ea88d.js" data-turbo-track="reload" type="module"></script>

Using a CDN for ActiveStorage

This is where the big prize is. In one app I built recently I was dealing with a lot of photo attachments (up to 500 per customer order), and they all lived on S3. I didn’t want my photo gallery requests hitting the app, or even my Caddy server. I wanted them to be served directly from my CDN, so they loaded quickly wherever the user was and so my app didn’t have to deal with all the image requests.

  1. ActiveStorage should be configured to use your S3 bucket. Your storage.yml will look something like this:
      service: S3
      access_key_id: <%= ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] %>
      secret_access_key: <%= ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] %>
      region: eu-west-2
      bucket: [YOUR S3 BUCKET NAME]
  2. Ensure you’ve defined default_url_options in your production.rb file:
      config.action_controller.default_url_options = { host: "yourdomain.com" }
  3. Configure your Rails app to use ActiveStorage Proxy Mode in your production.rb file:
    config.active_storage.delivery_method = :proxy
  4. Create a new Cloudfront distribution (don’t re-use the asset pipeline one – it won’t work!). Configure the Origin of the distribution in the “Origin” tab. The Origin domain should be set to your S3 bucket (it will appear in the dropdown), and you should also pick this for Origin access control. active storage origin 1
  5. Configure the behaviour by clicking on the “Behaviour” tab, select your S3 bucket as the origin and choose the HTTP and HTTPS protocol policy. active storage behaviour 1 In the Caching section, choose the CachingOptimized cache policy: active storage behaviour 2

  6. Finally you need to configure the bucket policy of your ActiveStorage S3 bucket so that your new Cloudfront distribution can access it. You’ll need the Cloudfront ARN value for this, which you can find on the General tab when viewing your Cloudfront distribution.
      "Version": "2008-10-17",
      "Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent",
      "Statement": [
       "Sid": "AllowCloudFrontServicePrincipal",
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Principal": {
         "Service": "cloudfront.amazonaws.com"
       "Action": "s3:GetObject",
       "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::[YOUR S3 BUCKET NAME]/*",
       "Condition": {
         "StringEquals": {
            "AWS:SourceArn": "[YOUR CLOUDFRONT ARN]"
  7. Create a new direct route in routes.rb that points to the CDN if the ACTIVE_STORAGE_ASSET_HOST is configured:
    direct :rails_public_blob do |blob|
    # Preserve the behaviour of `rails_blob_url` inside these environments
    # where S3 or the CDN might not be configured
    if ENV.fetch("ACTIVE_STORAGE_ASSET_HOST", false) && blob&.key
     File.join(ENV.fetch("ACTIVE_STORAGE_ASSET_HOST"), blob.key)
     route =
        # ActiveStorage::VariantWithRecord was introduced in Rails 6.1
       # Remove the second check if you're using an older version
       if blob.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Variant) || blob.is_a?(ActiveStorage::VariantWithRecord)
     route_for(route, blob)
  8. In your app, change the URLs for assets that you want served from the CDN to use this new rails_public_blob_url route:
    <%= image_tag rails_public_blob_url(photo.image.variant(:thumb)), id: dom_id(photo) %>

    Note: If you’re using ActionText (like I am in Teamlight) you can edit the _blob.html.erb partial to use this route, e.g:

    <% if blob.representable? %>
      <img src="<%= rails_public_blob_url(blob.representation(resize_to_limit: local_assigns[:in_gallery] ? [ 800, 600 ] : [ 1024, 768 ])) %>" />
    <% end %>
  9. Configure ACTIVE_STORAGE_ASSET_HOST to point to your new Cloudfront distribution domain and restart your server. Your ActiveStorage images should now be served from the CDN! 🎉
    <img id="photo_5542" src="https://d48khrpvou8bp.cloudfront.net/y8u334heoeml2jjqwa6cjh9zu5j6">

There are probably nuances I’ve missed here, but I’ve done it a few times and this approach seems to work well for me. There are a lot of steps to go through and it’s easy to miss something, so I’d recommend creating development buckets to test with first just to make sure it all works.

If the worst happens and you deploy to production and it goes pear shaped, just change your ASSET_HOST environment variable back to your app domain (for assets), or remove ACTIVE_STORAGE_ASSET_HOST (for ActiveStorage), and restart your app to get things back to normal.

Good luck!