CanCanCan: The Rails Authorization Dance

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Recently, I have written an overview of some popular authentication solutions for Rails. However, in many cases, having authentication by itself is not enough – you probably need an authorization mechanism to define access rules for various users. Is there an existing solution, preferably one that isn’t very complex, but is still flexible?

Meet CanCanCan, a flexible authorization solution for Rails. This project started as CanCan authored by Ryan Bates, the creator of RailsCasts. However, a couple of years ago this project became inactive, so members of the community decided to create CanCanCan, a continuation of the initial solution.

In this article, I’ll integrate CanCanCan into a simple demo project, defining access rules, looking at possible options, and discussing how CanCanCan can reduce code duplication. After reading this post, you will have a strong understanding of CanCanCan’s basic features and be ready to utilize it in real projects.

The source code can be found on GitHub.

A working demo is available at

Preparing Playground

Planning and Laying the Foundation

To start hacking on CanCanCan we have to prepare a playground for our experiments first. I am going to call my app iCan because I can (hee!):

$ rails new iCan -T

I am going to stick with Rails 4.1 but CanCanCan is compatible with Rails 3, as well.

The demo application will present users with a list of projects, both ongoing and finished. Users with different roles will have different level of access:

  • Guests won’t have any access to the projects. They will only see the main page of the site.
  • Users will be able to see only the ongoing projects. They won’t be able to modify or delete anything.
  • Moderators will have access to all projects with the ability to edit the ongoing ones.
  • Admins will have full access.

Our task will be to introduce those roles and define proper access rules for them.

I prefer to start with Bootstrap to style the app:


gem 'bootstrap-sass'


$ bundle install

Set up the root route:


root to: 'pages#index'

Create a controller:


class PagesController < ApplicationController
  def index

and the view


<div class="page-header"><h1>Welcome!</h1></div>

Modify the layout to take advantage of Bootstrap’s styles:


<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <%= link_to 'iCan', root_path, class: 'navbar-brand' %>
    <div id="navbar">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

<div class="container">
  <% flash.each do |key, value| %>
    <div class="alert alert-<%= key %>">
      <%= value %>
  <% end %>
  <%= yield %>

Fake Authentication

Okay, so we’ve already briefly discussed roles to be added and their access levels, but first we need to introduce some kind of authentication. CanCanCan does not really care what authentication system you use. It only requires that a current_user method returning user’s record or nil is present.

Recently, I’ve written a series of articles about authentication in Rails, so feel free to choose one of the solutions described there. For this demo, however, I will not use a real authentication to simplify things and focus on authorization only. What I will do, instead, is introduce a basic User class with a bunch of simple methods:


class User
  ROLES = {0 => :guest, 1 => :user, 2 => :moderator, 3 => :admin}

  attr_reader :role

  def initialize(role_id = 0)
    @role = ROLES.has_key?(role_id.to_i) ? ROLES[role_id.to_i] : ROLES[0]

  def role?(role_name)
    role == role_name

Basically, there is a dictionary with all available roles. Upon initializing, assign the user one of the roles based on the provided ID. role? is just a conventional method that we’ll use later.

Now let’s define controller’s action to set the role:


class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  def update
    id = params[:id].to_i
    session[:id] = User::ROLES.has_key?(id) ? id : 0
    flash[:success] = "Your new role #{User::ROLES[id]} was set!"
    redirect_to root_path

Set up the route:


resources :sessions, only: [:update]

Add the links to choose the role:


<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <%= link_to 'iCan', root_path, class: 'navbar-brand' %>
    <div id="navbar">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

      <ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right">
        <li class="dropdown">
          <a class="dropdown-toggle" aria-expanded="false" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
            <span class="caret"></span>
          <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
            <% User::ROLES.each do |k, v| %>
                <%= link_to session_path(k), method: :patch do %>
                  <%= v %>
                  <% if v == current_user.role %>
                    <small class="text-muted">(current)</small>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
            <% end %>

I am relying on the Bootstrap’s dropdown widget here, so include it:


//= require bootstrap/dropdown

Also, if you are using Turbolinks, include jquery-turbolinks to bring default jQuery events back:


gem 'jquery-turbolinks'


//= require jquery.turbolinks

Lastly, introduce the current_user method:



def current_user[:id])

helper_method :current_user

Great! Boot up the server and check that roles are being switched correctly.

Adding Projects

The last thing to do is to add the Project model and the corresponding controller. Each project will only have a title for now:

$ rails g model Project title:string
$ rake db:migrate



class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @projects = Project.all

The routes:


resources :projects

And the view:


<div class="page-header"><h1>Projects</h1></div>

<% @projects.each do |project| %>
  <div class="well well-sm">
    <h2><%= project.title %></h2>
<% end %>

Let’s also utilize seeds.rb to add some demo records into the database:


20.times {|i| Project.create!({title: "Project #{i + 1}"}) }


$ rake db:seed

to populate your projects table.

Now the playground is ready and we can turn on the music and dance the CanCanCan.

Integrating CanCanCan and Defining Abilities

Drop CanCanCan into your Gemfile


gem 'cancancan', '~> 1.10'

and run

$ bundle install

Now we have to generate the ability.rb file that is going to host all our access rules:

$ rails g cancan:ability

Open up this file:


class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)

All your access rules (are belong to us….sorry) should be placed into the initialize method. There are some commented out examples to help you get started.

The user argument contains your current_user. Under the hoods Ability is being instantiated in the following way:

def current_ability
  @current_ability ||=

If, for example, you don’t want to name this method current_user or you want to use another name for the Ability class, you can simply override the current_ability method in the ApplicationController.

Another option to renaming current_user is to introduce an alias method:

alias_method :current_user, :my_own_current_user

This way current_ability does not have to be redefined. Read more here.

In our case current_user always returns a User object. In a real authentication scenario it will probably return nil if a user is not logged in. Therefore, it is a great idea to add a so called “nil guard”:


def initialize(user)
  user ||=

Now, introduce the first access rule saying that an admin has full access everywhere:


def initialize(user)
  user ||=

  if user.role?(:admin)
    can :manage, :all

can is the method to define abilities. :manage means “perform any action” and :all means basically “on everything”.

Checking Abilities

Let’s display a link on the main page leading to the list of projects and check if the user has the proper access:


<div class="page-header"><h1>Welcome!</h1></div>

<% if can? :index, Project %>
  <%= link_to 'Projects', projects_path, class: 'btn btn-lg btn-primary' %>
<% end %>

So can? is the method to check if the current user has the permission to perform an action. :index is the actual action’s name and Project is the class to on which to perform the action. You can also provide an object instead of a class (we will see an example on this later).

There is also the cannot? method that, as you’ve probably guessed, performs the opposite check of can?. Read more here.

Unfortunately, nothing prevents the user from accessing the projects page directly (like “http://localhost:3000/projects”). Therefore, we have to enforce an authorization check inside the controller, as well. This is easy:


def index
  @projects = Project.all
  authorize! :index, @project

Go ahead and try to access this page directly as a non-admin. The app will now raise an error, but that’s not very user-friendly. We have another problem to solve: How to rescue from an “access denied” error?

Rescuing from “Access Denied” Error

Rails provides us with a nice rescue_from method that we can call from the ApplicationController:


rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
  flash[:warning] = exception.message
  redirect_to root_path

This way if CanCan::AccessDenied is raised in any of the child controllers, the error will be handled properly. Apart from message, an exception also responds to action (like :index) and subject (Project) methods.

You can manually raise an “Access Denied” error and provide your own message, action, and subject:

raise"You are not authorized to perform this action!", :custom_action, Project)

Give it a try! Read more about exception handling here.

Adding More Abilities

Let’s add a couple of other controller actions to create a new project and define who can do that:


def new
  @project =
  authorize! :new, @project

def create
  @project =
    flash[:success] = 'Project was saved!'
    redirect_to root_path
    render 'new'
  authorize! :create, @project


def project_params

The views:


<div class="page-header"><h1>New Project</h1></div>

<%= render 'form' %>


<%= form_for @project do |f| %>
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :title %>
    <%= f.text_field :title, class: 'form-control' %>

  <%= f.submit 'Post', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end %>

Add a new link to the top menu:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
  <% if can? :create, Project %>
    <li><%= link_to 'Add Project', new_project_path %></li>
  <% end %>

As you can see, I am using :create instead of :new – if the user can create the record, they can access the “new record” page, as well.

Now add a couple more abilities:


def initialize(user)
  user ||=

  if user.role?(:admin)
    can :manage, :all
  elsif user.role?(:moderator)
    can :create, Project
    can :read, Project
  elsif user.role?(:user)
    can :read, Project

Wait, what does this :read action mean? What about :index? It appears, that CanCanCan introduces some action aliases by default:

alias_action :index, :show, :to => :read
alias_action :new, :to => :create
alias_action :edit, :to => :update

:read incorporates both :index and :show, whereas :create means being able to call :new, as well. That’s really handy and you can easily define your own aliases using the same principle:

alias_action :update, :destroy, :to => :modify

Read more here.

Lastly let’s deal with the edit, update, destroy actions:


def edit
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])
  authorize! :edit, @project

def update
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])
  if @project.update_attributes(project_params)
    flash[:success] = 'Project was updated!'
    redirect_to root_path
    render 'edit'
  authorize! :update, @project

def destroy
  @project = Project.find(params[:id])
  if @project.destroy
    flash[:success] = 'Project was destroyed!'
    flash[:warning] = 'Cannot destroy this project...'
  redirect_to root_path
  authorize! :destroy, @project

The view:


<div class="page-header"><h1>Edit Project</h1></div>

<%= render 'form' %>

Now, add two buttons to edit and destroy a project:


<% @projects.each do |project| %>
  <div class="well well-sm">
    <h2><%= project.title %></h2>
    <% if can? :update, project %>
      <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_project_path(project), class: 'btn btn-info' %>
    <% end %>

    <% if can? :destroy, project %>
      <%= link_to 'Delete', project_path(project), class: 'btn btn-danger', method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'} %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

I am passing the project object instead of a Project class – this way I can introduce more precise access rules. For example, I can add a rule saying the user can only edit a project that was added less than 2 hours ago.

On to the abilities:


if user.role?(:admin)
  can :manage, :all
elsif user.role?(:moderator)
  can [:create, :read, :update], Project
elsif user.role?(:user)
  can :read, Project

Notice that the can method accepts an array of actions as the first argument. Actually, the second argument can also be an array:

can [:create, :read, :update], [Project, Task]

We can rewrite this line

can [:create, :read, :update], Project

in another way by excluding some permissions:

can :manage, Project
cannot :destroy, Project

This means that a user can do everything with the projects, but cannot destroy them. Please notice that the order of lines is important here. If you place cannot before can, user will be able to perform any action on projects. You can read more about precedence here.

Dealing with Code Duplication

Don’t you think that calling authorize! in every controller’s action is quite tedious? Moreover, what if you forget to include it in some method. CanCanCan handles this as well! Using load_and_authorize_resource helps you remove code duplication:


class ProjectsController < ApplicationController

Actually this method is composed of two method: load_resource and authorize_resource, each one being pretty self-explanatory. You can call them separately, if you like:


load_resource is going to load the record and authorize_resource is going to check if the user is authorized to perform an action (that equals to the current action’s name) on that record. But how is the resource loaded for different actions?

  • For index, the resource (assigned to the instance variable with a name in plural form) will be set to Model.accessible_by(current_ability). accessible_by is a cool method that loads only the records that the current user can actually access (in our case, basic users can’t view finished projects – we will introduce this scenario shortly).
  • For show, edit, update, and destroy, the resource will simply be loaded using the find method: Model.find(params[:id])
  • For new and create, the resource will be initialized with new method.
  • For custom (non-CRUD) actions, the resource will be loaded using find, but this behavior can be modified.

So, our controller can be simplified like this:


class ProjectsController < ApplicationController

  def update
    if @project.update_attributes(project_params)
      flash[:success] = 'Project was updated!'
      redirect_to root_path
      render 'edit'

  def create
      flash[:success] = 'Project was saved!'
      redirect_to root_path
      render 'new'

  def destroy
    if @project.destroy
      flash[:success] = 'Project was destroyed!'
      flash[:warning] = 'Cannot destroy this project...'
    redirect_to root_path

What has changed?

  • I removed the authorize! method calls because authorize_resource does this job for us.
  • Second, I’ve removed the index, new, and edit actions completely, because they are handled by load_resource.
  • Third, I’ve removed the @project = Project.find(params[:id]) line from the update and destroy actions as well as the @project = from create, because once again load_resource takes care of this for us.

Yeah, I know what you are thinking. What about strong parameters? What about sorting and pagination? What if I want to skip loading and authorizing the resource for some actions? What if I need a custom finder? Those are great questions, let’s discuss them one by one.

Strong params. When initializing a resource, CanCanCan checks if the controller responds to the following methods:

  • create_params or update_params. CanCanCan is going to use one of these methods to sanitize the input depending on the current action. This is cool, because you can define different sanitization rules for create and update.
  • If there is no create_params or update_params method defined, CanCanCan will search for _params method – this is what we are using in our demo (project_params).
  • Lastly, CanCanCan will search for a method with a static name resource_params.
  • You can also provide your own sanitizer method’s name to override this default behavior: load_and_authorize_resource param_method: :my_sanitizer.
  • If CanCanCan was not able to find any of these methods in the controller and a custom sanitizer is not set, it will initialize the resource as normal.

Override resource loading. For example, I want projects on the index page to be sorted by creation date, descending. You can do this easily:


before_action :load_projects, only: :index



def load_projects
  @projects = Project.accessible_by(current_ability).order('created_at DESC')


The idea is that load_resource will load a resource into the instance variable only if it hasn’t been set yet. As long as I’ve added the before_action to set @projects, load_resource will not do anything for the index action. It is important to place before_action before load_and_authorize_resource.

Note that inside the load_projects I am using accessible_by to load only the records that the current user has rights to access.

Skipping loading and authorizing the resource. If for some reason you want to skip those actions, just write:

load_and_authorize_resource only: :index
# or
load_and_authorize_resource except: :index

Custom finders. As we’ve seen, load_resource uses the find method to load the resource. This is easy to change by providing find_by option:

load_resource find_by: :title

CanCanCan is really flexible and you can easily override its default behavior! Full info can be found here.

Adding Conditions to Abilities

Now, let’s say every project has the ongoing boolean attribute. Users should only be able to access only ongoing projects, whereas moderators can view all projects, but update only ongoing ones.

First of all, add a new migration:

$ rails g migration add_ongoing_to_projects ongoing:boolean

Modify the migration file:


def change
  add_column :projects, :ongoing, :boolean, default: true
  add_index :projects, :ongoing

Apply the migration:

$ rake db:migrate

Don’t forget to update the form:


<%= form_for @project do |f| %>
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :title %>
    <%= f.text_field :title, class: 'form-control' %>

  <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.label :ongoing %>
    <%= f.check_box :ongoing %>

  <%= f.submit 'Post', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end %>

And modify the list of permitted attributes:


def project_params
  params.require(:project).permit(:title, :ongoing)

Now the abilities:


if user.role?(:admin)
  can :manage, :all
elsif user.role?(:moderator)
  can :create, Project
  can :update, Project do |project|
  can :read, Project
elsif user.role?(:user)
  can :read, Project, ongoing: true

can accepts either a block or a hash of conditions to be more specific when defining rules. For the hash, it’s important to only use table columns because those conditions will be used with the accessible_by method. Read more here.

Now, switch to the user role and open the projects page. In the console, you should see output similar to this:

SELECT "projects".* FROM "projects" WHERE "projects"."ongoing" = 't' ORDER BY created_at DESC

This means that accessible_by is working correctly – it automatically loads only the resources that the user can access using the condition provided in ability.rb. Really cool.

Enforcing Authorization

If you want to check that authorization takes place in every controller, you can add check_authorization to the ApplicationController:


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

If authorization is not being performed in one of the actions, the CanCan::AuthorizationNotPerformed error will be raised. Still, we’ll want to skip this check for some controllers, as any user should be able to access the main page and switch between roles. This is easy:


class PagesController < ApplicationController


class SessionsController < ApplicationController

skip_authorization_check also accepts the only and except options. Moreover, check_authorization accepts if and unless options to define conditions when checking authorization should or should not take place, for example:

check_authorization if: :admin_subdomain?


def admin_subdomain?
  request.subdomain == "admin"

Read more here.


In this article we’ve discussed CanCanCan, a great authorization solution for Rails. I hope that now you are feeling confident to use it in your projects and implement more complex scenarios. I really encourage you to browse CanCanCan’s wiki, as it has really useful examples.

Thank you for reading! As always, any reader is authorized to send his feedback on this article :). See you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about CanCanCan Rails Authorization

What is the CanCanCan gem in Ruby on Rails?

CanCanCan is a popular authorization library for Ruby on Rails applications. It provides a simple, expressive way to define abilities and permissions in your application. With CanCanCan, you can easily control what resources a given user is allowed to access. It’s a two-step process: first, you define abilities (what a user can do) and then you check these abilities in your views and controllers.

How do I install and set up CanCanCan in my Rails application?

To install CanCanCan, you need to add the gem to your Gemfile and run the bundle install command. After that, you generate an Ability file where you define all the user permissions. This file is where you write rules that define what a user can do. You can generate it using the rails g cancan:ability command.

How do I define abilities in CanCanCan?

Abilities in CanCanCan are defined in the Ability class. You can define an ability using the can method, which takes two arguments: the action you’re setting the permission for, and the class of object you’re setting it on. For example, can :update, Article would allow the user to update any instance of the Article class.

How do I check abilities in my views and controllers?

You can check abilities using the can? and cannot? methods provided by CanCanCan. These methods take two arguments: the action and the object. For example, if you want to check if the current user can update a specific article, you would use can? :update, @article.

How does CanCanCan handle guest users?

CanCanCan has built-in support for guest users. In your Ability class, you can define abilities for users who are not logged in. This is typically done by checking if the user object is nil, which would indicate that the user is not logged in.

Can I use CanCanCan with Devise?

Yes, CanCanCan works well with Devise. Devise handles authentication (logging in and out), while CanCanCan handles authorization (permissions). You can use the current_user method provided by Devise in your Ability class to define abilities based on the current user’s attributes.

How do I handle complex permissions with CanCanCan?

For complex permissions, you can use conditions in your ability definitions. Conditions are just Ruby code that gets evaluated to determine if the ability applies. For example, you could define an ability that only applies if the user is an admin and the object is published.

Can I use CanCanCan with other databases besides ActiveRecord?

Yes, CanCanCan supports multiple ORMs, including ActiveRecord, Mongoid, and Neo4j. You just need to make sure to include the CanCanCan ORM adapter in your Gemfile.

How do I test my CanCanCan abilities?

CanCanCan provides a set of RSpec matchers that you can use to test your abilities. These matchers allow you to write tests that check if a user has a certain ability.

What if I need to debug my CanCanCan abilities?

CanCanCan provides a useful method called accessible_by that returns all objects that the user has permission to perform a certain action on. This can be helpful for debugging. Additionally, you can always use standard Ruby debugging techniques, like puts statements or the byebug gem.

Ilya Bodrov-KrukowskiIlya Bodrov-Krukowski
View Author

Ilya Bodrov is personal IT teacher, a senior engineer working at Campaigner LLC, author and teaching assistant at Sitepoint and lecturer at Moscow Aviations Institute. His primary programming languages are Ruby (with Rails) and JavaScript. He enjoys coding, teaching people and learning new things. Ilya also has some Cisco and Microsoft certificates and was working as a tutor in an educational center for a couple of years. In his free time he tweets, writes posts for his website, participates in OpenSource projects, goes in for sports and plays music.

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