Data Analysis in RUby

At my job, I started work on a client project that was rather number intensive. We were going to have to perform repetitive calculations over a dataset. A colleague introduced me to the concept of data frames and the Ruby gem Daru.

What is Daru?

It’s a data analysis tool that lets us build tabular data sets which we can then manipulate and apply linear calculations. It’s also is a data visualization tool. It’s worth noting that Daru is quite similar in functionality to the pandas Python library.

You can do alot with Daru, but I’ll just be looking at a very small piece of it here. See Resources section below for a link to the docs.

Vectors and DataFrames


A Vector is a one dimensional set of data, like an array. When I was working with Daru, I liked to think of a Vector as a single column from a spreadsheet. In this example, I am mocking 7 day price history of some imaginary product. Note that the Vector can be named. Also, note the numeric index.

require 'daru'

prices = { rand(499..599) }

vector = prices, name: :price_cents
#            price_cents
#          0         505
#          1         544
#          2         552
#          3         501
#          4         534
#          5         516
#          6         541


A DataFrame on the other hand is two dimensional, like a spreadsheet. Expanding on the example above, we can include a date column. We instantiate the DataFrame with a hash of arrays. Each key of the hash is a column name and the array contains the data. This is one of several ways to compose a DataFrame. Another way is to use Vectors instead of arrays - Vector indicies are lined up with each other.

require 'daru'
require 'date'

prices = { rand(499..599)}

def dates
  dates = []
  7.times { |index| dates <<, 1, index + 1) }

df =
    date: dates, 
    price_cents: prices 
  name: :product_prices,
  order: [:date, :price_cents]
#<Daru::DataFrame: product_prices (7x2)>
#                 date price_cent
#         0 2016-01-01        501
#         1 2016-01-02        591
#         2 2016-01-03        543
#         3 2016-01-04        558
#         4 2016-01-05        528
#         5 2016-01-06        552
#         6 2016-01-07        558

So I have a DataFrame…Now what?

We can perform analysis on the data frame like finding the mean, counts, min, and max. Also we can find covariance and correlation bewtween Vectors. It’s also possible to perform SQL like queries against the data. There is also filtering and sorting…the list goes on and on. See the documentation for the details. Here, I’ll show a couple of examples that I found useful.

Add a rolling mean column

Here is an example of adding a column to the DataFrame that is a rolling mean calculation on the price column with a lookback of 7.


df =
    date: dates, 
    price_cents: prices 
  name: :product_prices,
  order: [:date, :price_cents]

# Add a column that is a rolling mean of price with a lookback of 7.
df[:r_mean] = df[:price_cents].rolling_mean(7)

p df
#<Daru::DataFrame: product_prices (14x3)>
#                 date price_cent     r_mean
#         0 2016-01-01        573        nil
#         1 2016-01-02        587        nil
#         2 2016-01-03        511        nil
#         3 2016-01-04        501        nil
#         4 2016-01-05        548        nil
#         5 2016-01-06        562        nil
#         6 2016-01-07        567 549.857142
#         7 2016-01-08        503 539.857142
#         8 2016-01-09        503 527.857142
#         9 2016-01-10        565 535.571428
#        10 2016-01-11        580 546.857142
#        11 2016-01-12        567 549.571428
#        12 2016-01-13        540 546.428571
#        13 2016-01-14        514 538.857142

Do some arithmetic.

What if we want to calculate the price difference with a lookback of 7. Here is one way we could solve it with the lag method.


# First we could add a column that is the price_cents column shifted by 7. 
df[:prev_week_price] = df[:price_cents].lag(7)

p df
#<Daru::DataFrame: product_prices (14x3)>
#                 date price_cent prev_week_
#         0 2016-01-01        515        nil
#         1 2016-01-02        567        nil
#         2 2016-01-03        528        nil
#         3 2016-01-04        593        nil
#         4 2016-01-05        599        nil
#         5 2016-01-06        563        nil
#         6 2016-01-07        520        nil
#         7 2016-01-08        579        515
#         8 2016-01-09        551        567
#         9 2016-01-10        575        528
#        10 2016-01-11        541        593
#        11 2016-01-12        529        599
#        12 2016-01-13        594        563
#        13 2016-01-14        573        520

# Now we can calculate the difference between values for each index.
df[:weekly_change] = df[:price_cents] - df[:prev_week_price]

p df
#<Daru::DataFrame: product_prices (14x4)>
#                 date price_cent prev_week_ weekly_cha
#         0 2016-01-01        590        nil        nil
#         1 2016-01-02        515        nil        nil
#         2 2016-01-03        507        nil        nil
#         3 2016-01-04        591        nil        nil
#         4 2016-01-05        556        nil        nil
#         5 2016-01-06        534        nil        nil
#         6 2016-01-07        524        nil        nil
#         7 2016-01-08        562        590        -28
#         8 2016-01-09        544        515         29
#         9 2016-01-10        553        507         46
#        10 2016-01-11        577        591        -14
#        11 2016-01-12        530        556        -26
#        12 2016-01-13        502        534        -32
#        13 2016-01-14        511        524        -13

Join DataFrames

Let’s say we want to compare the prices of two products. We could join two DateFrames together à la SQL.


# Product 'a' prices
df_a =
    date: dates, 
    price_a: prices_a
  name: :product_a_prices,

# Product 'b' prices
df_b =
    date: dates, 
    price_b: prices_b
  name: :product_b_prices,

# We can join both DataFrames on the :date Vector
df_joins = df_a.join(df_b, on: [:date], how: :left)

#              price_a       date    price_b
#         0        541 2016-01-01        566
#         1        570 2016-01-02        578
#         2        561 2016-01-03        541
#         3        537 2016-01-04        535
#         4        594 2016-01-05        570
#         5        541 2016-01-06        586
#         6        536 2016-01-07        539
#         7        586 2016-01-08        586
#         8        596 2016-01-09        510
#         9        572 2016-01-10        565
#        10        536 2016-01-11        535
#        11        536 2016-01-12        574
#        12        549 2016-01-13        505
#        13        597 2016-01-14        538


Daru is a powerful data analysis tool which I have barely scratched the surface. Some other things of note:

  • Creating DataFrames from CSVs or Excel files
  • Grouping and aggregating data
  • Graceful handling of missing data (nils)
  • Pivot tables
  • Data visulization

There is much more to this library that what I have shown, so I encourage the reader to explore more. I have provided some links below to get started.
