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Rubygems plugin generator

This is a RubyGems plugin to generate RubyGems plugins.


$ gem install rubygems_plugin_generator


gem plugin <your-plugin-name>

This command should generate all the code you need to have a working RubyGems plugin. Just change the file lib/rubygems/commands/<your-command>_command.rb and you should be good to go.


$ gem plugin foo

#       create  foo/foo.gemspec
#       create  foo/Gemfile
#       create  foo/lib/foo/version.rb
#       create  foo/lib/rubygems_plugin.rb
#       create  foo/lib/rubygems/commands/foo_command.rb
#       create  foo/test/foo_command_test.rb
#       create  foo/Rakefile
#       create  foo/.gitignore
# *****************************************************************************************
# Please edit foo.gemspec with your plugin information.
# The file lib/rubygems/commands/foo_command.rb was created for you, there you will
# find a method called 'execute'. That's the method that will be called when someone runs
# 'gem foo'
# *****************************************************************************************

Here you have the basic structure of a RubyGems plugin that just prints a sample message ("It works!"). It also include a sample test that you can use as an inspiration to write your own. You can run the tests with rake:

$ rake test
Run options: --seed 52142

# Running:


Finished in 0.011959s, 83.6190 runs/s, 83.6190 assertions/s.

1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

To build and install your plugin, you can use the gem commands, as you would with a normal gem:

$ gem build foo.gemspec

#   Successfully built RubyGem
#   Name: foo
#   Version: 0.1.0
#   File: foo-0.1.0.gem

$ gem install foo-0.1.0.gem

# Successfully installed foo-0.1.0
# Parsing documentation for foo-0.1.0
# Installing ri documentation for foo-0.1.0
# Done installing documentation for foo after 0 seconds
# 1 gem installed

And now you can run your plugin to see it in action:

$ gem foo

# It works!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


A RubyGems plugin to generate RubyGems plugins



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