RSpec 3.7 has been released!

Sam Phippen

Oct 17, 2017

RSpec 3.7 has just been released! Given our commitment to semantic versioning, this should be an easy upgrade for anyone already using RSpec 3, but if we did introduce any regressions, please let us know, and we’ll get a patch release out with a fix ASAP.

RSpec continues to be a community-driven project with contributors from all over the world. This release includes over 127 commits and 31 merged pull requests from 27 different contributors!

It’s worth noting: this is a smaller release than usual, as we wanted to get our Rails System Testing integration to you as quickly as possible.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this release happen!

Notable Changes

Rails: ActionDispatch::SystemTest integration (System specs)

In Rails 5.1, a new kind of test was added, called system test. These tests wrap capybara and Rails to allow for a full stack testing experience from frontend javascript all the way down to your database.

For a long time, RSpec has had Feature Specs which provide a smiliar integration. There are a few important differences between feature specs and system specs that are worth enumerating:

  1. If you use a javascript enabled driver (like selenium or poltergeist) with feature specs your tests run in a different process than your Rails app. This means that your tests and your code under test cannot share a database transaction, and so you cannot use RSpec’s built in mechanism to roll back database changes, instead requiring a gem like database cleaner. With system tests, the Rails team has done the hard work to ensure that this is not the case, and so you can safely use RSpec’s mechanism, without needing an extra gem.
  2. RSpec’s feature specs defaults to using the Rack::Test capybara driver. If you want to use a javascript enabled test browser, it is on you to manage the capybara configuration. For a long time this has proven to be something that is tricky to get correct with more advanced integrations like selenium. System specs default to using selenium. The difficulty of the configuration is hidden by rails, which manipulates capybara and webdriver with chrome on your behalf.

As such, we are recommending that users on Rails 5.1 prefer writing system specs over feature specs for full application integration testing. We’d like to give a special thanks to Eileen Uchitelle who lead the implementation of this feature in Rails.









API Docs

Cucumber Features

Release notes:

RSpec Core

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Bug Fixes:

RSpec Expectations

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RSpec Mocks

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Bug Fixes:

RSpec Rails

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Bug Fixes:


RSpec Support

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Bug Fixes: