How To Use Environment Variables in Ruby

An environment variable is a key/value pair, it looks like this:


We use these variables to share configuration options between all the programs in your computer.

That’s why it’s important to learn how they work & how to access them from your Ruby programs using the ENV special variable.

Examples of environment variables:

  • Configuring your default editor
  • Telling Ruby where to find gems (GEM_PATH / GEM_HOME)
  • Passing API keys into your application, without having to commit them to source control (git)
  • Defining where your operating system should look for binary files (.exe in Windows)
  • Making Rails start in test/development/production mode

You can find a list of ALL your environment variables with the env command in Linux / Mac & the set command in Windows.



# ...

The list can be pretty long, but you don’t have to memorize it.

You can also print all the gem-specific variables & configuration with the gem env command.


If you want to access these environment variables from Ruby there is a special object you can use.

Let’s discover how it works!

Using Environment Variables in Ruby

Ruby has this ENV object that behaves like a hash & it gives you access to all the environment variables that are available to you.

Here are some examples…

You can find out how many keys you have:

# 48

Get a list of them:


And access specific keys:

# "/home/jesus/.gem/ruby/2.6.0"

You can even use methods like map & select: { |k,v| k.size < 4 }

But how do you set these environment variables outside of Ruby?

How to Set Environment Variables

You can set an environment variable for a one time use.

Like this:

API_KEY=1 ruby -e 'p ENV["API_KEY"]'

Use this in a terminal, outside of irb, then Ruby will have access to this API_KEY value.

This is helpful for API keys, but also to set Rails mode.


RAILS_ENV=production rails console


This sets this specific environment variable for this process you’re launching now.

Meaning that if I do API_KEY=1 <command>

It will only work for that command!

If you want this variable to be used by all other commands that you launch from your current terminal session.

Do this:

export API_KEY=1

Now if you do:

ruby -e 'p ENV["API_KEY"]'

You’ll get 1, even without the prefixed variable.


Don’t use ENV for configuration within your Ruby application, that’s NOT its purpose. ENV is only for reading external configuration coming outside of Ruby.

Try a gem like dry-configurable for internal configuration options.

Important Attributes of Environment Variables

You may find these attributes helpful because they explain (possibly unexpected) behavior.

  • Snapshotting, environment variables are set when you launch a program & aren’t affected by outside changes
  • Closed environment, changing variables inside a process (your Ruby program is a process) doesn’t change the environment variables outside the process
  • Environment variables aren’t permanent, when you reboot your computer, or even when you close your terminal, changes to environment variables are lost (even if you use export Linux + Mac / set in Windows)

Keep these in mind!

Rails Credentials

Rails 5.2 introduced a new system to help you manage API keys.

It works by saving the credentials directly to config/credentials.yml.enc, this is an encrypted file that you can only read if you have the master.key file.

The idea is that you only commit credentials.yml.enc & you keep the key private.

How do you add new credentials?

Well, you can’t edit the .enc file directly.

Use this command instead:

bin/rails credentials:edit

This is a YAML file, make sure to format it correctly.


You can read the credentials from your Rails app like this…


Watch Video Tutorial


You’ve learned about environment variables, a useful tool that allows you to manage your operating system configuration & keep your API keys private.

Ruby Environment Mindmap

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Thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “How To Use Environment Variables in Ruby”

  1. Don’t use ENV for configuration within your Ruby application, that’s NOT its purpose.

    Maybe because I’m french speaking, but I had to read this many time to understand the subtility. I understand this as “Don’t use ENV to put data at runtime”, but it’s not obvious. You should use envvars to build your application setup as 12factor third rule states:

  2. There are two gems that I use on a regular basis to work with environment variables inside of Ruby/Rails programs: nenv and dotenv

    On my development workstation I use direnv to set/unset environment variables within the context of a directory.

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