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@palkan palkan released this 02 Sep 14:06
· 235 commits to master since this release

RubyKaigi 2020 special.

馃敩 Experimental

  • Added proposed shorthand Hash syntax.


Give it a try: x = 1; y = 2; data = {x, y}.

Here is a real-life example usage: anycable/anycable_rails_demo@d4ee4c6

Ruby 3.0

  • Added find pattern support to pattern matching.

Example: [0, 1, 2] in [*, 1 => a, *c].

  • Added leading argument support to args forwarding.

Example: def a(...) b(1, ...); end.

  • Added Hash#except.

Example: {a: 1, b: 2}.except(:a) == {b: 2}


  • Added Ruby 2.2 support.

With support for safe navigation operator (&.) and squiggly heredocs (<<~TXT).