Ruby Weekly
Issue 273 — November 19, 2015
Mike Perham
Sidekiq is a popular, high performance, Redis-based job processor commonly used by Ruby apps. 4.0 is a major optimization release with throughput significantly improved over 3.5.1.

John Backus
Preview 1 of MRI Ruby 2.3.0 came out last week and here are quick examples of several new features including: Enumerable#grep_v, Array#dig, Hash#dig, and Numeric#positive? For more of this, including a benchmark of the new frozen strings feature, here's another run-through.

Starr Horne
“Did you know that it’s possible to log all method calls as they occur in a running process in real time? How about injecting code to be executed inside of a running process? You can – via the magic of rbtrace.”

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A Year of Commits
A quick look at nested queries, scopes, where.not, first and take, and unscoped.

Georgi Mitrev
A look at the way the new operator works and some aspects to its operation you need to be aware of.

Piotr Okoński
A look at AccessGranted, a new multi-role, whitelist based authorization gem for Rails, written by a developer unhappy with CanCan.

Jamis Buck
A simple demonstration of refactoring from using a case statement to a hash table. This is perhaps my own most common refactoring.


In brief