#426 — November 22, 2018

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

🦃 Hey - we're keeping things short this week in respect of Thanksgiving. If you celebrate, we hope you have a good one. Back to full service next week.
— Peter Cooper, Cooperpress

GQLi: Writing GraphQL Queries in Native Ruby — The folks at Contentful are working on a library (GQLi) that allows you to write GraphQL queries in native Ruby. Very promising.


Building SQL Expressions with Sequel — A great, in-depth introduction to Sequel, an interesting alternative to Active Record. “Sequel’s API for building SQL expressions allows you to consistently stay in Ruby even for very advanced use cases.”

Janko Marohnic

Long Term Support for Ruby on Rails 4.2, 3.2 and 2.3 — Rails LTS provides extended support for old versions of Ruby on Rails. Drop-in gem replacements are available for Rails 4.2, Rails 3.2 and Rails 2.3. You can even run your old Rails app with modern Ruby versions.

Rails LTS sponsor

'Clean Code' Concepts Adapted for RubyClean Code is a long-standing, popular book on the art of ‘software craftsmanship’ and this guide shows off its suggested approaches for making Ruby code more readable and reusable.

Alex Jiao

When I Use Controller/Request Specs in Rails and When I Don't — Based on recommendations from the RSpec team and his own experience, Jason describes the only two scenarios where request specs are reasonable.

Jason Swett

Ruby 3x3 and RubyConf Los Angeles — Noah’s been to quite a few Ruby events recently and has been discussing the future of Ruby and Ruby performance with the core team and others. Where do things stand? (Spoiler: “expect Ruby 3x3 around Christmas of 2020”)

Noah Gibbs

The Benefits of Materialized Views (and How to Use Them with Rails) — A ‘materialized view’ is essentially a ‘live’ SQL query whose results are accessible as a database table. It’s supported by several database systems though Postgres is the most likely candidate with Rails.

Ryan Rebo

💻 Jobs

Senior Ruby Developer — We are a rapid growing startup in the construction space, helping companies to streamline field documentation and communication.

CompanyCam LLC

Join Our Career Marketplace & Get Matched With A Job You Love — Through Hired, software engineers have transparency into salary offers, competing opportunities, and job details.


📘 Tutorials

Fibers Are The Right Solution — After looking at various approaches to concurrency, the claim here is Fibers offer the safest and least intrusive bang for your buck.

Samuel Williams

What Is MJIT in Ruby 2.6 and How Does It Work? — An accessible look into using the JIT options in Ruby 2.6, what they do, and some benchmarks.

Jesus Castello

Five Security Issues in Rails Apps From Real Life — Common (yet often unaddressed) security issues that Igor is also kind enough to show you how to fix.

Igor Springer

🔧 Code & Tools

Standard: A Ruby Style Guide, with Linter and Automatic Code Fixer — A ‘spiritual port’ of StandardJS. (Psst.. don’t forget our JavaScript Weekly newsletter if you also develop with JavaScript.)

test double

Iguvium: A Gem for Extracting Tables from PDFs — Renders a PDF into an image, looks for table-like structures & tries to place characters into detected cells.

Dima Ermilov

typerb: Strong Type Checking for Ruby — Uses the RubyVM::AST additions to 2.6.

Oleg Antonyan

Zammad: A Web-Based Open Source Helpdesk/Customer Support System — Implemented as a Rails 5 app.
