#437 — February 14, 2019

Read on the Web

Ruby Weekly

Ruby 2.7 to Add Enumerable#tallyEnumerable#tally is a new function letting you count lists using a function - a long-wanted Ruby feature. Related commit.

Brandon Weaver

How to Create a CRUD App with Rails and React — A really thorough tutorial covering fronting a Ruby on Rails API with a React client along with linting, flash messages, and handling 404s in React.

James Hibbard

Production-Quality Redis Hosting — Better tools, analytics and support for your high-performance Redis needs.

RedisGreen sponsor

What’s Coming to Rails 6.0?“I’ve read through the CHANGELOGs of all Rails parts (ActiveRecord, ActionPack, ActiveSupport, etc.) and picked some of the features that I found the most interesting.”

Guy Maliar

An Interesting Way to Quickly Refactor Exceptions — Clean up error handling by writing your own error classes that match against other exceptions based on various attributes.

Paweł Dąbrowski

How to Create Your Own Rails Generator — Rails includes a mechanism for creating your own generators. This tutorial shows you how it works and walks through creating one of your own.

Ivan Matas

Exploring TracePoint — The first in a five-part series on TracePoint (the built-in object oriented API for Ruby’s tracing functionality) starts with initialization and how to pull information out of the current binding.

Brandon Weaver

💻 Jobs

Senior Ruby Backend Developer (f/m/d), Berlin, Germany — Role with impact. Great team spirit. Benefits & relocation. Building the world's leading talent acquisition platform. Interested? Check out Glassdoor & kununu.


Cloud Operations Engineer - Invoca (Santa Barbara, CA or Remote) — Be part of a team of Operations Engineers deploying code to our production SaaS platform & public cloud infrastructure.


Try Vettery — Vettery specializes in developer roles and is completely free for job seekers.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

Be Careful Assigning to has_one Relations“When you assign a new instance of an associated model to its has_one model the existing instance is removed from the association and causes a permanent change to be written to the database.”

Andy Croll

Keeping Your Schema Close to You with the annotate Gem — Annotate adds comments to your model files that summarize that model’s schema, making it easier to look things up.

Hongli Lai

Use The Lead Time Metric to Improve Your CI/CD Process — GoCD’s latest CD metrics blog will guide you on how to identify bottlenecks and improve your CI/CD process.

GoCD sponsor

Early Hints and HTTP/2 Push with Falcon — How Falcon implements the burgeoning HTTP/2 web standard along with Rack’s early hints proposal.

Samuel Williams

Using PostgreSQL To Perform Tasks in a User's Local Time Zone — This is a very cool trick that uses Postgres’s IN TIME ZONE function to find the users to target with a task.

Scott Watermasysk

Make Delegated Methods Private in Rails — Did you know that delegating methods in a private scope does not make them private? Me neither. Luckily, there’s a workaround (and a forthcoming fix.)

Nithin Bekal

Tips for Running Free Dynos on Heroku in 2019 — The somewhat convoluted rules around running stuff for free on Heroku. The short answer is free Heroku is for side projects and non-production environments.

Adam McCrea

How to Build Application Search for a Rails App — The folks behind Elasticsearch offer an Elastic App Search Service that can provide your app with fast, full-text searching capabilities with minimal integration effort.

Kellen Person and James Rucker

▶  Discussing TDD and Refactoring with Corey Haines

The Ruby Testing Podcast podcast

🔧 Code & Tools

JRuby Released — A relatively minor update but with lots of fixes and tweaks. The stdlib is now up to Ruby 2.5.3 standards.


Rubanok: Parameters-Based Transformation DSL — The idea is to tidy up how parameter names (such as via params in a webapp) relate to actions taken. You need to look at the examples really to see if this is for you or read this introductory post.

Vladimir Dementyev

Record Analytics Data from Your Ruby Code and Send It to Hundreds of Tools

Segment sponsor

Solrb: An Object-Oriented Solr Client for RubySolr is an open source search server, though Elasticsearch is now more popular.


10 Essential Gems for Webapp Development with Rails 5.2 — Have we listed one of these posts in a while? Regardless, this is a solid list.

Sreedev Kodichath