#560 — July 8, 2021 |
Ruby Weekly |
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Ruby 3.0.2 Released (plus 2.7.4 and 2.6.8) — It’s security release time. Ruby Core Team |
Introducing MemoWise, A New Way to Memoize Methods — MemoWise is “the best way to memoize methods” as it takes care of nil and false values, methods with arguments, and instance variable/method confusion, applying the wisdom of the memoization ages. Jemma Issroff and Jacob Evelyn |
![]() Analyze Your Ruby Apps’ Performance in Real Time with Datadog APM — Drill into error traces with Datadog’s App Analytics to debug and optimize Ruby code by tracing requests across web servers, databases, and services in your environment. Track your apps’ performance with Datadog APM free. Datadog sponsor |
Understanding Factory Bot Syntax by Coding Your Own Factory Bot — Recreating something is always a great way to learn (in programming, at least!) and Jason goes through the whole thing here using the delightful idea of ‘error driven development’ - ha! Jason Swett |
📅 Submit a Talk to the RubyConf 2021 CFP — Taking place in a hybrid online/offline form over November 8-10, RubyConf is keen to receive your talk proposals and they’ve provided quite a lot of detail here. The CFP closes on July 16 (so you’ve got just over a week). RubyConf |
📕 Articles & Tutorials |
The Shortest Path to Get Set Up with Automated Accessibility Testing in Rails — If you’ve ever tried to automate accessibility testing, you know how clumsy it can be. This code repo/tutorial shows how easy it can be to get the basics automated quickly. Kevin Bongart |
Understanding How rbenv, RubyGems, and Bundler Work Together — The chain of tools we use every day to do our job mostly “just works”, but how? Subomi dives into each layer, from version manager to bundler, and explains the chain. Subomi Oluwalana |
▶ Tracking Events with Ahoy — The Ahoy gem provides the capability to capture analytics, such as page visits, without sharing the data with any third parties. Drifting Ruby |
Crunchy Bridge: Fully Managed Cloud Postgres — Crunchy Bridge users experience performance improvements, better developer workflow and seamless migration. Crunchy Bridge sponsor |
Asynchronous Background Processing using AWS Lambda Extensions — AWS Lambda Extensions were created so Lambda authors could integrate with various monitoring tools, but LambdaPunch lets you use it in a more general way. Ken Collins |
The Hanami Architecture Explained — Hanami uses concepts like slices and Separation of Concerns to create a flexible application framework that extends beyond web apps. Sebastian Wilgosz |
Under The Hood of the Paweł Dąbrowski |
Neovim's Built-in LSP with Ruby and Rails — It’s not quite VSCode, but if you want to use LSP functionality in neovim, here you (mostly) go. Sheldon Johnson |
▶ Spearheading Static Site Generators with Ruby and Bridgetown — Jared White, the creator of the Bridgetown static site generator, discusses the origins and goals of the project. The Ruby on Rails Podcast podcast |
🛠 Code & Tools |
Faraday 1.5: A Flexible HTTP Client Library — Where Faraday differs from many other HTTP client options is how it supports multiple backends and has a middleware concept for processing the request/response cycle. Basic usage in case you’ve not tried it before. Olson, Hobson, et al. |
Fisk: A Pure Ruby x86-64 Assembler — An interesting project from tenderlove and a clever bit of work representing x86 assembly language via a mostly implicit Ruby DSL. Aaron 'tenderlove' Patterson |
Everything a Dev Needs to Build Video for Ruby: Powerful API and Analytics Mux sponsor |
Heroku Database Connection Calculator — Optimizing your database pool configuration relies on quite a few variables (number of dynos, workers, processes, threads) so this guide does the math for you while also explaining each calculation. Rails Autoscale |
The Git Gem 1.9.0: A Scott Chacon |
WorkingHours 1.4: A Gem to Do Time Calculations with Working Hours — For example, Adrien S |
A Minimal Forward Proxy in 150 Lines of Code using Standard Libraries Only James Moriarty |