#​696 — March 28, 2024

Read on the Web

Together with  FastRuby.io

Ruby Weekly

14 Tools and Gems Every Ruby Developer Would Love — I wouldn’t usually feature a list-driven article but this has been a quiet week and it's a good one! Joé rounds up his favorite tools and gems of the moment, covering areas from email and databases to performance monitoring and analytics. All solid recommendations.

Joé Dupuis

Solid Queue 0.3: The Active Job Backend Gains Recurring JobsFirst introduced just three months ago, Solid Queue is already a great way to run background jobs on modern Rails apps and v0.3 gets even better by adding support for cron-style recurring tasks.

Ruby on Rails Project

Need to Upgrade Rails with Zero Downtime? — Ready for Rails 7.2? Top-notch engineering teams (from startups to Fortune 500 companies) trust the FastRuby.io team in mission-critical upgrades. Leverage our 30,000+ dev/hs of experience: Get to Ruby 3.3 and Rails 7.1 with zero downtime 🔥

Upgrade Rails with FastRuby.io sponsor

rails-new: Create a New Rails App Without Ruby Installed — A new official project under the Rails org. It works by using Docker to take care of making the right versions of Ruby and Rails available. An interesting idea in its initial stages. Built in Rust.

Ruby on Rails Project

Do You Tune Out Ruby Deprecation Warnings? — In the middle of a project, it’s easy to overlook warnings, but you can tweak how they are reported.

Piotr Jurewicz

Self-Service APM When You Want It. Superior Support When You Need It — Scout APM is made for monitoring Ruby apps. Get all the APM insights and support you need from actual Rails engineers.

Scout APM sponsor

Event Sourcing with Rails from Scratch — A practical code driven example.

Oleg Borys

Brute-Forcing a 2FA System with Ruby — This was to pass a made-up security exercise, not to actually break anything, but provides an example of how Ruby can appeal to cybersecurity professionals.

Greg Molnar

Refactoring a Ruby Module Mixin into a Class
Jeremy Friesen

🛠 Code & Tools

HotwireCombobox: A Turbo + Stimulus Autocompleting Combobox — Simple, sweet, and well explained on the homepage, complete with live demo. Designed for modern Rails 7 apps. GitHub demo.

Jose Farias

RubyFann 2.0: Library for Interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)FANN is an open-source C library for implementing multilayer neural networks. RubyFann provides the bindings so you can build and train your own neural networks entirely from Ruby.

Steven Miers

Free Auth for 1 Million MAUs — WorkOS provides easy-to-use APIs for authentication, user identity, and complex enterprise features like SSO and SCIM.

WorkOS sponsor

Noticed 2.2: Notifications for Rails Apps — Supports email, Discord, Action Cable, Twilio, Firebase, Slack, and custom delivery methods. There’s ▶️ a 20-minute screencast covering how to integrate it with your app.

Chris Oliver

Onigmo: A Ruby Wrapper for the Onigmo Regex Library
