#​712 — July 18, 2024

Read on the Web

Together with  reinteractive

Ruby Weekly

IRB and Rails Console Enhancements in 2024 So Far — The last six months have brought a much-improved help system, a new extension API (so you can write your own IRB commands), a better show_source, easier debugging, and some Rails console improvements, such as showing your environment in the prompt. Be sure to have the irb gem in your Gemfile.

Stan Lo

Is AI Just Hype for Your Business? — Many are exploring AI, but few are realising its full potential. Let's turn your AI vision into a tangible solution. Our AI expert can quickly assess your idea & create a proof of concept to demonstrate the feasibility of your AI project. Book a call.

reinteractive::Custom AI integrations with RoR sponsor

Ruby Methods are 'Colorless' — The latest in a series on concurrency and asynchronous programming in Ruby tackles a concept raised by Bob Nystrom where color is used to distinguish synchronous and async functions and how they interact. Ruby skips around this idea, as JP demonstrates. A good post to go a little deeper on your thinking about Ruby's sync/async situation.

JP Camara


📄 Articles & Tutorials

Implementing Minesweeper in 100 Lines of Clean Ruby — A well-explained, interesting, and, perhaps, fun tutorial that uses some of the more recent language features, like the Data class and endless methods, resulting in the impressive LOC count. Now I wanna spin up Windows 3.1 again..

Radan Skorić

Puma-dev and Using It with Rails AppsPuma is a popular choice in the Ruby/Rack web server space and Puma-dev takes it a step further in managing local apps in dev with local https and domains for separate apps.

Prasanth Chaduvula

Developer’s Guide to Autoscaling on Heroku — Still dorking around with your dyno slider? We’ll show you the what, why, and how for autoscaling.

Judoscale sponsor

Startups on Rails in 2024: My Keynote at RailsConfEvil Martians’ Irina Nazarova reflects on her RailsConf 2024 talk, focusing on the continuing role of Rails in modern tech startups.

Irina Nazarova

💡 Don't forget all of the talks from RailsConf 2024 are now on YouTube.

Accessing Request Headers in a Rails Controller — A look at how digging into the request headers helped to debug a failing spec.

Kevin Murphy

An Introduction to Auth0 for Rails — Auth0 is a commercial, but popular, auth platform with a generous free tier and presents an alternative to Devise if you want things more ‘managed.’

Thomas Riboulet (AppSignal)

📄 Rails Adds SKIP_TEST_DATABASE_TRUNCATE Flag to Speed Up Multi Process Test Runs Prasanth Chaduvula

📄 Adding a “X is writing…” Feature with Rails and Turbo Rails Designer

🛠 Code & Tools

Lamby 6.0: Rails + AWS Lambda Integration for Rack — Lamby is the culmination of all Ken’s knowledge on the topic of running Rails serverlessly on AWS’s stack. There’s some quick start documentation if you want to see how it comes together. v6 switches things over from Rack v2 to v3.

Ken Collins

Bashly 1.2: Bash CLI Script Generator — Declare the basic user-facing elements of a CLI tool (arguments, environment variables, command groups, default values, and more) and Bashly generates the Bash code to make it a reality. There are numerous examples in the GitHub repo.

Danny Ben Shitrit

🚀 Stuck on Ruby 2.7? Need to Upgrade on a Budget? — Gradually pay down tech debt: Stop postponing your upgrade, ship it with our cost-effective maintenance service.

Bonsai by FastRuby.io sponsor

Hanami 2.2.0 Beta 1 Released — This new beta of the popular Ruby web framework offers up a preview of a new database layer (based upon Ruby Object Mapper), as well a new approach (operations) for organizing business logic.

Tim Riley