#​715 — August 15, 2024

Read on the Web

👋 We're back from taking a week off, though I am still technically on the final day of my vacation, so this is a shorter than usual issue ;-) Back to full service next week!
Peter Cooper, your editor

Together with  WorkOS

Ruby Weekly

Rails 7.2: Better Production Defaults, Dev Containers, New Guides Design, and More — Rails 7.2 is out, and it’s a doozy. After year(s) of talk, testing, and use, YJIT is now enabled by default (for Ruby 3.3 and higher), and dev containers are here so that you can Dockerize your dev environment easily.


Railing Against Time: Tools and Techniques for 5x Faster Tests — A look at how Evil Martians recently helped a client optimize their CI pipeline and test and change their code faster, ultimately getting five times faster results. Stackprof and TestProf to the rescue.

Vitalii Yulieff

WorkOS: The Modern Identity Platform for B2B SaaS — WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, offering flexible and easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and RBAC in minutes instead of months. It's trusted by hundreds of high-growth startups such as Perplexity, Vercel, Drata, and Webflow.

WorkOS sponsor

Return an Enumerator When Your Collection Has Multiple Traversals#each makes a lot of sense when a collection has one obvious way to be iterated over, but if there are various approaches all at play at once, the Enumerator abstraction can make things cleaner.

Joël Quenneville


An Introduction to Minitest Mocks — Test doubles likes mocks and stubs can help isolate code being tested from the rest of a system and Minitest has its own approach for these.

Josef Strzibny

Building a Modal Form with Rails, Turbo, and the dialog Element — How to practically apply Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams using a gradual, layered approach on top of standard Rails scaffolding, with only one line of JavaScript needed.

Matt Brictson

Why You Should Use Rails' Logger Block Syntax — How to use block syntax when using your logger with Rails to save object allocations and CPU time.

Will Jessop

Why You Should Participate in Friendly.rb This September — Following up on a successful 2023 outing, Friendly.rb is back in Bucharest, Romania next month.

Lucian Ghinda

▶  Discussing Euruko with Muhamed IsabegovicEuRuKo is Europe’s longest running Ruby conference.

The Ruby on Rails Podcast podcast

📄 How to Use Dev Containers with Rails 7.2 Chris Oliver and Collin Jilbert

📄 An Introduction to HTTP Caching in Rails Julian Rubisch

📄 45 VS Code Shortcuts for Boosting Your Productivity Shahed Nasser

📺 Processing Large Jobs on Top of Solid Queue David Kimura

📄 git push --force and How to Deal with It Andrey Novikov

🛠 Code & Tools

childprocess 5.1: Cross-Platform Library for Managing Child Processes — A long standing library (the first version came out in 2010) for controlling external programs on any combination of CRuby/JRuby and OS.

Eric Kessler

temporary_tables: Create Temporary Tables for RSpec Tests — Create temporary tables and models in specs, rather than create and maintain a dummy Rails app or block-level constants.

Keygen LLC

🔓 Is Your Rails App Secure? Need to Upgrade on a Budget? — Talk is Cheap. Experience is King. Bonsai by FastRuby.io is a monthly upgrade service for top-notch engineering teams 🚀

Rails Upgrades on Autopilot sponsor

Rails 8 Introducing a Basic Authentication Generator — While the next major version of Rails is still a little way off, we can already see some of Rails’ future features in commits made to the edge version.

Jaimy Simon