#​717 — August 29, 2024

Read on the Web

Together with  Honeybadger

Ruby Weekly

▶  The RubyKaigi 2024 Talks — RubyKaigi, essentially Ruby’s ‘home’ conference in Japan, took place in May, and now you can enjoy it from wherever you are. With a mix of Japanese and English language talks, there are some great talks worth your time, including Vinicius Stock on the state of Ruby dev tooling, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on breaking the Ruby performance barrier, Koichi Sasada on Ractors, Takashi Kokubun explaining how YJIT makes Rails faster, and Emma Haruka Iwao showing off Ruby’s role in a world record Pi-calculation attempt.


💡 If you've got the time, there's also an interesting hour-long panel session with the team of Ruby committers answering questions about Ruby and its implementation.

Turn Your Logs into Structured Events with Honeybadger — Honeybadger's new logging platform is a bit like Splunk, DataDog, or CloudWatch Logs, but with just the good parts and a price you can afford. Plus, it's easy to integrate with Rails, Heroku, Hatchbox, Fly.io, Render, and more.

Honeybadger sponsor

Nine Ways to Run System Commands in Ruby — There’s a lot of ways to run external processes from a Ruby program. I’m a bit of a sucker for backticks in the simplest of cases, but Kirill says Open3.popen3 is the robust option for most situations.

Kirill Shevchenko

Easy to Overlook Postgres Performance Issues in Rails Apps — Performance issues at the Postgres layer usually start to manifest only when your app reaches a certain scale. Luckily, Paweł shares some easy-to-miss database config tweaks and common problems with us.

Paweł Urbanek


How to Structure Your Rails Views and Partials for More Maintainable Code — A look at the balances and tradeoffs to be made when determining what goes where in your views, and when to use full views versus partials.

Garrett Dimon

Supercharge Your Rails Logs with Tags — Rails logs can be hard to search, but you can introduce tags to add context and quickly filter to get what you need.

Justin Toniazzo (Thoughtbot)

Inside the Decision Room: How Standard Ruby Updates Its Rules 🤔 — Test Double curates Rubocop rules each month to boost readability and reduce errors—who keeps Standard updated and how.

Test Double sponsor

📄 How to Save a 'Recently Viewed' List of Pages with Stimulus and localStorage Simon Chiu

📄 An Introduction to Omakub, DHH's Curated Ubuntu Environment David Eastman

📄 13 Years of Building Infrastructure Control Planes in Ruby Daniel Farina

📄 Top Ten git Tips and Tricks Julie Kent

🛠 Code & Tools

Victor 0.5: A Ruby DSL for Building SVG Images — Much as there are libraries to construct XML or HTML using Ruby code, this is for creating vector graphics. Write Ruby, save SVG. The docs have a variety of examples of its power, including rendering a checkers board in an object oriented way. GitHub repo.

Danny Ben Shitrit

Allgood: A Health Check Page for Your Rails App — Quickly add a /healthcheck page to a Rails app that shows simple things like database and Redis connectivity, disk space and memory usage, etc.

Javi Rameerez

Rails + AI: Turn Ideas into Apps. Book a Meeting — Struggling with AI integration in Rails? We use (OpenAI, Claude, AWS Bedrock etc) to build amazing Rails apps. Let's discuss.

reinteractive::Custom AI integrations with RoR sponsor

MiniSql: A Minimal, Safe SQL Executor for Postgres and SQLite — Makes things nicer if you’re using pg or SQLite. If you get tangled up in the occasionally crufty native APIs for those, this could help ease things a bit.


Pundit 2.4 Released: Pure Ruby Authorization Library — A set of helpers to guide you in using regular Ruby classes and OO design patterns to build robust and scalable authorization systems.


ActionMailer Balancer 1.1: Send Mail Through One of Several Methods — If you need to migrate to a new mail provider or otherwise want to spread load between multiple providers, this could be a big help.


Vacuum 4.2: Amazon Product Advertising API Client — Amazon’s Product Advertising API lets you obtain Amazon product prices, details, etc. via an API.

Hakan Ensari


Principal Full-Stack Rails Engineer (Remote) — Ruby FinTech w +10yr Track Record. NVDA, Bitcoin ETFs, Retirement Income, you name it. Helping investors research their options.
Mitre Media