#​719 — September 12, 2024

Read on the Web

🇧🇦 It's been a quiet week in the Ruby world, probably as many folks are at the EuRuKo Ruby conference in Sarajevo, including Matz. If you're there, I hope you're having a great time!
Peter Cooper, your editor

Together with  pgAnalyze

Ruby Weekly

JRuby on CRaC: An Effort to Improve JRuby's Startup TimeCRaC is an OpenJDK project to speed up start times by using restorable checkpoints, and while JRuby is already a pretty fast implementation, its startup times could certainly be improved. Could CRaC be a big help? Yes!

Charles Oliver Nutter

The Rails Renaissance — Rails 8 has a lot of folks feeling bullish about Rails’ future. Long-time Ruby firm Hashrocket gives its reasons for getting excited here.

Jack Rosa and Matt Polito (Hashrocket)

Hands on Postgres 17: What’s New & Impacting Performance — Application performance depends on database performance. In this free webinar, learn how Postgres 17 enhancements, like faster B-tree scans, adaptive vacuum strategies, & streaming I/O updates, will impact your database performance & monitoring.

pganalyze sponsor

💡 Related to this, Postgres 17 RC1 was released last week.


A Tour of Ruby Modules — A comprehensive reference that covers all manner of module related topics, like use cases, hooks methods, and their use in various design patterns.

Brooke Kuhlmann

Upgrading an App's Ruby Version with 'Dual Booting' — A smart and low-intrusive way to quickly test your app against an upgraded version of Ruby (going from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 in this case).

Vijay Vinod (BigBinary)

▶  A Tale of Moving from Next.js to Rails — Adam shows off what it took to move his company’s Next.js-powered marketing site over to Rails. (15 minutes.)

Adam McCrea

Comment Your Regular Expressions — Comments are not always needed or appropriate, but this is good advice.

Summer (Thoughtbot)

How to Use Azure Blob Storage with Rails — For when you want to use something like S3 to store files but you'd rather use Azure.

Jeffery Morhous (Honeybadger)

Roll Your Own Autoscaler — Prefer to keep your autoscaling in-house? Here’s how we built ours.

Judoscale sponsor

📄 Avoid this Bug with Numeric Environment Variables in Ruby Daniela Baron

📄 Avoiding Environment Conflicts with Kamal and Dotenv Josef Strzibny

📄 A GitHub Trick to Find the Commit That Deleted a File Raymond Chen

📄 Cache Key Versioning in Rails Mintbit

🛠 Code & Tools

Splitwise is the New Maintainer of SuperDiffSuperDiff significantly improves RSpec’s diffing capabilities (see above) and is almost a ‘must have’ for RSpec users IMO. Its maintainer recently retired from open source, but Splitwise has taken over the reins.

Joe Stein

has_some_of_many: Optimized Top-N-Per-Group Active Record Associations — Adds new optimized association methods (has_one_of_many, has_some_of_many) for ‘top N’ queries to Active Record using efficient JOIN LATERAL queries.

Ben Sheldon

🚀 Need to Upgrade to Rails 7.2 + Ruby 3.3 but Not Sure How? — Bonsai by FastRuby.io is the monthly upgrade service trusted by top-notch engineering teams. Upgrade with confidence.

FastRuby.io | Upgrade Services sponsor

AnnotateRb: Add Annotations to Your Rails Models and Route Files — A way to add comments summarizing the model schema or routes in your models, fixture files, test, specs, etc. This could also help any LLMs analyzing your code.

Andrew W. Lee

ActsAsRecursiveTree 4.0: Query Complete Trees with Efficient SQL — SQLite and Postgres support SQL syntax for recursively working through tree-like structures. This brings it to your Active Record models.

Wolfgang Wedelich-John

AlchemyCMS 7.3: A Rails CMS Framework — A CMS you can run standalone or bake into your existing Rails apps, and which now supports Rails 7.2. There’s a live demo too (the admin login is demo/demo123).

Blish GmbH

  • Lambdakiq 2.3 – Drop-in Sidekiq replacement to run ActiveJob atop SQS and AWS Lambda.

  • Rails Admin 3.2 – Rails engine providing a CRUD interface to your data. (Demo.)

  • StoreModel 4.0 – Wrap JSON DB columns with ActiveModel-like classes.

  • OctoShark 0.6 – A simple Active Record connection manager.

  • Tomo 1.20 – A CLI tool to deploy Rails apps over SSH.

  • Tolk 6.0 – Rails engine providing a UI for i18n work.

  • ruby-pg 1.5.8 – The Postgres client library for Ruby.

  • Vernier 1.2 – Next generation CRuby profiler.