#​724 — October 17, 2024

Read on the Web

📝 We're taking next week off, so the next issue of Ruby Weekly will be on Thursday, October 31 – see you then! :-)
Peter Cooper, your editor

Together with  Hacking Scale

Ruby Weekly

Rails World 2024 Recap: All Talks Now OnlineRails World was a resounding success (save for a fire alarm that woke everyone up at 2am, we hear!) and while it’s great to hear what a good time everyone had, it’s even better to finally get to enjoy all the great talks for ourselves. I’ve been watching for hours and point out some highlights below.


Become a Better Engineer in Less Than 5 Minutes a Week — Hacking Scale is a bi-weekly newsletter about building and scaling software. Get an engineering story explained in <1000 words, with hand-drawn visuals, delivered to your inbox. Ship with secrets from Figma or OpenAI.

Hacking Scale sponsor

🙈 CRuby's Monkey Patch Detection — CRuby includes many optimizations to allow core classes representing essential concepts like numbers, arrays, and strings to operate as quickly as possible. If a core class is monkey patched, however, these optimizations might need to be dropped, but how does Ruby detect this and ‘de-optimize’ itself?

Aaron Patterson

Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity — A thoroughly educational history of the Async gem, its influence on Rack 3, real-time interactivity in Rails, and how the integration of Async 2, Rack 3, Falcon, and Rails ‘provides a powerful foundation for building highly interactive and scalable web applications.’

Samuel Williams


  • Over the years, Ruby has come with many libraries (as part of the 'standard library'), some of which have then been turned into gems and are now included as default gems or bundled gems instead. StdGems.org is a site that shows us what the current default and bundled gems are.

  • Rails,, and have been released fixing four potential regex-based denial of service vulnerabilities on Ruby versions below Ruby 3.2.

  • Talking of Rails updates, Rails has a new official maintenance policy. In short, Rails 7.2 is good for bug fixes till August 2026, they aim to do a feature release every six months, and Rails 7.0 will no longer get bug fix updates from next month.

  • UsingRails is a directory of over 2000 organizations that are using Ruby and Rails in some way.

RubyGems.org Gets a New Design — A new design is gradually rolling out to improve support for a wider range of devices, as well as adding a much-needed ‘dark mode.’ You’re encouraged to help review the update and report any usability issues.

Martin Emde (RubyGems)

Wikidata is a Giant Crosswalk FileWikidata is the Wikipedia of structured data. Here we see how to use DuckDB and Ruby to create ‘crosswalks’ from Wikidata to map identifiers in the data to third party services. Neat to see an example of using Ractors in a blog post, too.

Drew Breunig

Awkward Alert: How to Ask “Why Are You Building This?” 😨 — Everyone wants to know *why* the thing is being built. But it’s hard to ask. Practical tips to avoid seeming critical.

Test Double sponsor

📄 How I Built a (Better) Search Form in Rails with Active Model Steve Polito

📄 'I Interviewed 100 DevTools Founders and This Is What I Learned' Jack Bridger

📺 Deploying a Rails 8 Beta App to Digital Ocean with Kamal 2 Drifting Ruby / David Kimura

📄 How to Quickly Bring TailwindCSS to Rails 8 Greg Molnar

📄 Changing CSS as You Scroll with Stimulus Rails Designer

🛠 Code & Tools

Denko 0.14.0: Electronics / GPIO Programming in Rubylgpio is a wrapper around the access Linux provides to GPIO features and Denko and denko-piboard use it to let you program electronics devices in Ruby (think LEDs, buttons, sensors, etc.) Here’s a list of the microcontrollers supported.


sequel-activerecord_connection 1.5: Let Sequel Reuse Active Record Connections — An extension for the popular Sequel database toolkit to enable reusing of an existing Active Record connection rather than setting up a new one.

Janko Marohnić

Move Fast and Fix Things with Honeybadger — Honeybadger transforms your logs into rich events that help you fix issues before your users know what happened. Try our free plan!

Honeybadger sponsor

ActiveAdmin v4 Beta: New Features, Upgrades, and How to Migrate — ActiveAdmin is one of the most popular Rails administration tools. It now supports Rails 7, bringing Hotwire support and improved performance, and includes better CSS theming and batch actions, so it’s worth a look.

BestWeb Ventures

recursive-open-struct 2.0: OpenStructs in OpenStructs in OpenStructs? — An OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes as RecursiveOpenStructs.

Various Contributors

InvoicePrinter 2.4: Super Simple PDF Invoicing — A server, command line program and pure Ruby library to generate PDF invoices. It’s been around years but continues to get updates.

Josef Strzibny

📰 Classifieds

🚀 RailsBump, the open-source gem + Rails compatibility tool, is now maintained by FastRuby. Is your Gemfile ready for Rails 7.2?

🧰 PostgreSQL is all you need for AI. Use pgvectorscale to get 28x faster search, 75% cheaper vs popular vector databases.

🪝 Hookdeck: A serverless queue to reliably send, receive, transform, filter, and route events across your event-driven apps.