Ruby Weekly
Issue 207 — August 7, 2014
David Bryant Copeland
Esteemed Rubyist David Copeland reflects on the awkward status between Rails and front-end JavaScript frameworks/libraries: “It seems logical that Rails would want to continue to be leading the industry on how to build web apps, but it seems like right now, it’s starting to lag.”

Brian Knapp
A suite of benchmarks testing a variety of Ruby versions and implementations, Rack servers, and Ruby webapp frameworks against a simple ‘hello world’ scenario. JRuby, Torqbox, and plain old Rack came out on top.

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Peter Cooper
A info-packed video from my Ruby Reloaded courses that I made public last week which digs into how Ruby objects are represented internally, how objects and classes relate, where singleton classes fit into the big picture, and similar fun.

The Omniref Blog
Looking for the most downloaded gems is easy, but which of the built-in standard Ruby libraries are most popular? Omniref scanned over 78,000 gems to see what they were depending on.

Tealeaf Academy
A walk through the steps of enabling OAuth-backed authentication (specifically through GitHub in this case) to a Rails app using Sorcery (an authentication library for Rails 3 and 4).

O'Reilly Media
Now entirely available in early release e-book form with the print version due in November.

In brief