Issue 250 — June 11, 2015
Sam Saffron
Sam Saffron works on Discourse, a popular Rails and Ember-based forum system. In this keynote he looks at its infrastructure, how they’ve tweaked and extended Rails, and more.
Andrzej Krzywda
Mutation testing takes your code and tests, parses them, and changes nodes on the eventual syntax tree. This ‘mutant’ version of your code is then tested to see whether your tests are really robust.
Adam Fortuna
I think we’ve all had a moment where a bug resulted in money lost, but it takes a brave developer to write up the story. This quick post is worth checking out.
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Charity Majors
Ruby let Parse get the first versions of their API out the door quickly but they’ve recently been reimplementing some of it in Go - why?
Starr Horne
It’s now a common pattern to configure your app through environment variables, particularly if you use platforms like Heroku. Starr looks at what they’re about and how to use them from Ruby.
Nebojša Stričević
Randomly failing tests are the hardest to debug. Here’s a system you can use to fix them and keep your test suite healthy.
Piotr Solnica
From a tweet by Piotr on the same day: “I believe that, ironically, Rails may turn out to be the beginning of the end of Ruby rather than its driving force. Ponder on that.”
In brief
Volt 0.9.3 Released news
Includes support for clustering, simplified persistence, and improved validation.
A Mega Collection of Ruby Events in One Place news
Gerald Bauer has put together a list of Ruby events, meetups, etc. around the world.
Planet Ruby
RubyConf Taiwan 2015 Is Calling for Speakers news
Ruby Taiwan
RubyDay 2015 - Turin, November 13th news
The CFP is open till July 1st and submissions outside of Italy are much welcomed.
Apipie: How to Use This Tool for Documenting Your Rails API tutorial tools
Ilya Bylich
How Arel Converts Ruby Queries Into SQL Statements tutorial
Pat Shaughnessy
Working Effectively with Data Factories Using FactoryGirl tutorial
Hendra Uzia
Switching From Unicorn to Puma on Heroku is Easy tutorial
Daniel P. Clark
When Should You Use DateTime and When Should You Use Time? tutorial
Andrew White
How To Create A Gem For JavaScript And CSS Libraries in Rails Apps video
Opbeat = Ops for developers tools
New feature: Auto-assignments. When an error occurs, Opbeat deduces who the best equipped person to fix the code is, via Git. Get fewer but smarter notifications spend more time being productive.
Opbeat Sponsored
- A Catalogue of Small Ruby Libraries tools code
xkcdize: XKCD-like Picture Distortion in Ruby with RMagick code
Victor Shepelev
method_hooks: Rails-style Method Hooks for Plain Ruby Objects code
Add ‘before’, ‘around’, and ‘after’ callbacks to any method.
Frank Bonetti
Spina: An Open Source Rails CMS code
Rails 4.2+, WYSIWYG editing, has an attractive admin area shown off in their demo video.
Glasses: A Micro Search Framework for Use with ActiveRecord code
Otavio Monteagudo
sith: A Macro Preprocessor for Ruby with Ruby-like Template Notation code
Alexander Ivanov
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