Ruby Weekly
Issue 252 — June 25, 2015
Kasper Timm Hansen
A look at what ** can mean in different contexts, including using it for interpolation (of sorts), alongside keyword arguments, and capturing arguments generally.

Justin Weiss
An interesting way to avoid N+1 queries. “If a scope starts to cause you trouble, wrap it in an association and preload it. It’s not much more work, and it’ll save you a bunch of SQL calls.”

Pat Shaughnessy
“Don’t let your data out of the database until you need to… until you have just the values your application really needs.” Pat Shaughnessy looks at the benefits of letting your database take the strain instead of Ruby.

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Luca Guidi
Lotus is a Web framework that appears to be making quite a few inroads lately. 0.4.0 seems to be a big release with database migrations, HTML5 form helpers, CSRF protection, and other features coming in.

Franck Verrot
Holycorn makes it easy to implement a Foreign Data Wrapper for Postgres using Ruby. It’s built on top of mruby.

Starr Horne
A quick look at bitwise operations in Ruby - used for manipulating data at the bit level. If this area intrigues you, I also made a ten minute video on the topic.

Ken Collins
A look at some of the approaches you can use to keep your app running smoothly when connecting to multiple databases simultaneously.

Form objects are an informal pattern for separating validation and persistence logic to reduce the complexity of your models.


In brief