Ruby Weekly
Issue 263 — September 10, 2015
Practicing Ruby
A look at Dentaku, a parser and evaluator for a mathematical and logical formula language that provides a safe way to execute user-defined mathematical formulas within a Ruby application.

Starr Horne
Ever since Ruby 1.9, the Enumerator class has made it possible to more easily define custom enumerators without touching the Enumerable module or define ‘each’ methods.

Codebase  Sponsored
Codebase offers fast & reliable hosting for Git, HG & SVN repos with project management built-in. 50% off first 3 months with code RUBYWEEKLY.


Napa is a simple framework for building Rack based APIs using Grape, Roar and ActiveRecord. It’s designed to make it easy to quickly create and deploy new API services by providing generators, middleware and a console.

LoneStarRuby 2015
Avdi Grimm (of Ruby Tapas) gave a philosophical keynote at LoneStarRuby 2015 about how we may be at the end of the Ruby ‘boom’ and what the legacy of Ruby might be.

Parker Selbert
“You need to know which testing modes Sidekiq is packaged with and the best practices for testing both jobs and workers.”


In brief