Ruby Weekly
Issue 293 — April 14, 2016
Ryan Davis
At Mountain West Ruby 2016, Ryan Davis (of Minitest fame) gave a code-heavy 30 minute talk on the what, why and how of creating a test framework in Ruby.

Planet Argon
The 4th time Planet Argon has run this survey. Consider taking it as the results, such as these from 2014, make for interesting reading.

Essentially based on the Awesome Ruby organization of Ruby libraries and tools, but with extra metadata.

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Richard Schneeman
A look at different strategies for declaring dependencies in libraries and how we might be able to make major version bumps easier in future.

Szymon Baranowski
Teaching a Slack bot to interpret pictures using Google’s Vision API.

Abhishek Jain
Accidentally loading large numbers of records in your code? Rails 5 provides some clues.

Kingsley Silas
A thorough tutorial on Shrine, a file uploading toolkit for Ruby webapps.

Ville-Veikko Helppi
Setup, config, and initial steps in using Calabash, a toolkit for writing automated acceptance tests for iOS and Android native apps in Ruby.


In brief