Issue 318 — October 6, 2016
Kevin Sylvestre
An excellent tutorial that builds a Rack-based web server from the ground up, complete with explanations of all the pieces along the way.
Giles Bowkett
A long but interesting post from a long standing Rubyist and community firebrand on Ruby’s relationship to JavaScript, full-stack development, ‘niceness’, and more.
Fabio Akita
A two-part series ( part I and part II) on sharing model logic between two Rails apps.
AppSignal Sponsored
Join the Public Beta for free, and gain deep insights into the errors and performance issues in your Elixir & Phoenix apps (just like you're used to from AppSignal for Ruby).
Marko Anastasov
It’s 2016, what versions of Ruby are commercial folks using? Spoiler: Rubyists like the new stuff.
Daniel P. Clark
Minitest provides a great way for writing tests to verify your expectations of your Ruby code. I use it all the time and this is a straightforward intro.
Adam Sokolnicki
Use the Parselet gem to parse a search query string into an ElasticSearch query. If you're not familiar with the techniques used here, they're worth learning.
Marcin Pakuła
A brief but practical look into Rails’ key i18n features, including escaping, currencies, and cleaning up unused translations.
In brief
Rails Remote Conf (October 12-14) news
Remote live talks and training - take part from your home or office.
Karafka (Ruby + Kafka framework) 0.5.0 Release news
A significant release that aims to simplify using Kafka with Ruby. Maciej Mensfeld
Creating a Simple Machine Learning System with JRuby tutorial
Paul Goetze
Embracing the Red Bar: Safely Refactoring Tests tutorial
Ever refactor your test code? M. Scott Ford explores a technique for protecting against the possibility of turning a perfectly valid test into one that always passes, regardless of whether or not the code that it covers is correct. Corgibytes Sponsored
Optimizing Deletions in Rails with Postgres tutorial
Ryan Abel
Create a Slash Command in Slack tutorial
Jon McCartie
Rebasing A Complex Branch in Git tutorial
Automatic Differentiation in Ruby tutorial
A well presented and explained method of finding the derivative of a mathematical function. Tom Stuart
Beware the ORM: Locking and Joins tutorial
A defender of ORMs runs through an example of where you can hurt yourself and how not to do it. Travis Hunter
Using AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) with Rails tutorial
Andy Croll
The SQL Alternative To Counter Cache tutorial
Eric Anderson
An Introduction to ActionCable tutorial
A thorough intro to ActionCable, including how it works, gotchas to expect, and whether or not you should use it. Samuel Mullen
Parallel Rendering in Rails with Pagelets and SSI tutorial
Building on the release of pagelet_rails, this post benchmarks using SSI with pagelets for improved response. Anon Katunin
Phusion's Journey to $1M ARR: A Ruby Success Story story
Phusion are well known for their Passenger project, one of the first ways to easily deploy Ruby webapps. Phusion
The Point of Objects video
Real world procedural Ruby code refactored into object oriented style in 19 minutes. John Cinnamond
Elm Is The New Rails opinion
Long-time Rubyist Giles Bowkett compares Elm to early Rails and concludes that Elm just may be ‘the new Rails’ in many ways. Giles Bowkett
Automatically increase your automated test coverage tools
Start or grow your application's automated test suite with our brand new service. Connect with GitHub or BitBucket and you can get started today. Agile as a Service Sponsored
Hyperloop: A Ruby DSL for React Components code
A way to build reactive front-end interfaces from Ruby code.
Faker: A Library for Generating Fake Data code
A classic that’s still getting frequent updates and additions, such as promotional codes, foods, and even Pokémon. Benjamin Curtis
pagelet_rails: Improve The Perceived Performance of Rails code
Anton Katunin
Whirly: Simple, Colorful Terminal Spinner for Ruby code
Comes with 17 custom spinners plus those from the cli-spinners project. Jan Lelis