Ruby Weekly
Issue 320 — October 20, 2016
Adam Cooke
Similar to Foreman, but defaults to running all processes in the background and can process restarts in multiple ways.

It’s early days, but Midori aims to provide high performance. A simple benchmark shows it outperforming Sinatra and even Express.js on Node. See example app code.

Updates on the Ruby3x3 project, future approaches to concurrency in Ruby, and a look at ‘duck inference’. 34 minutes.

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Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski offers a clean example of good metaprogramming in Ruby.

Richard Schneeman
If you find yourself reaching to do a module-method extraction, stop. Consider what road you’re starting down and these lessons Richard shares.

Danny Garcia
A multi-part (part 0, part 1, part 2) series comparing Swift to Ruby. You might be surprised at how similar the two languages are.

Leigh Halliday
A look at writing tests that use data returned from external HTTP APIs, as well as testing those interactions both in success and failure situations.

Dorothy Wingrove
A fun 5 minute demonstration of FizzBuzz implemented via Ruby’s little used ‘flip flop’ operator.

Erik Benoist
Reverb’s story of moving to Webpack on the frontend, including how to handle server-side rendering of React components.


In brief