Ruby Weekly
Issue 342 — March 30, 2017
Richard Schneeman
Performance issues often start with N+1 problems but fixes can cause memory bloat. Here’s a way to solve for both.

Phil Nash
The example app adds user information to a Google Spreadsheet of users interested in an app launch. Prefer a video? Here you go.
70 bug fixes wrap up Ruby 2.2’s normal maintenance phase, with only security fixes to come in future. Using 2.2? Consider your 2.4 migration plan soon.

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Daniel Bovensiepen
The story behind Shopify's bug bounty program, what came out of it, and why it may have been the best thing to happen to mRuby, the lightweight Ruby implementation.

Rob Race
Sure, it’s a list, but sometimes they can be a handy way to find new tools :-)

Daniel P. Clark
If you need server-side triggered updates, multi-user interaction, or simply more dynamic content, ActionCable might be a good fit for you.

Jesal Gadhia
Whilst searching for a viable replacement to Sprockets, Jesal landed on Browserify and Webpack as possible contenders. Here’s his experience integrating each one with a Rails app.


In brief