Ruby Weekly
Issue 363 — August 24, 2017
Universe Engineering
In this first of a series, we see the differences between and pros and cons of fibers, EventMachine, threads and processes.

Ben Lewis
Includes Object#tap, Array#bsearch, and Enumerable#flat_map.

Cẩm Huỳnh
After looking at the five methods you should be using (above), here are six perhaps more bewildering bits of the language.

Timber  Sponsored
Learn how Concierge Live used logging tool Timber to find issues, reduce debugging time and clean up their logs.


Spree Commerce
This popular system now has support for Rails 5.1 and Ruby 2.4.

Tinco Andringa
How to build a WebSockets driven application using Rails 5’s ActionCable.

Benjamin Roth
Mainly focused on the various ways to intelligently handle joins and associated queries.


In brief