#410 — August 2, 2018 |
Ruby Weekly |
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▶ Matz on Ruby After 25 Years — The creator of Ruby (Yukihiro ‘matz’ Matsumoto) reflects on Ruby’s past and looks to its future in the shape of Ruby 3.0. Yukihiro Matsumoto |
Stop Shipping Untested Ruby Code with Undercover — Get coverage warnings on changed files so you can be sure your new code is covered while working on that legacy code base. Jan Grodowski |
![]() Long Term Support for Rails 2.3 and 3.2 — Rails LTS provides security patches for old versions of Ruby on Rails. Currently Rails 2.3 and Rails 3.2 are supported. Rails LTS sponsor |
A Proposal to add Hash#=== to Ruby — The discussion is in Japanese, but this proposal on the official Ruby feature tracker is an interesting one and would allow a convenient way to query the contents of hashes. There’s a similar proposal for Array#===. |
user = { id: 1, name: "homu", age: 14 } { age: (1..20) } === user # => true { name: /^h/ } === user # => true |
Generating Random Numbers in Ruby — There’s a lot more to random number generation than you might think, especially if you want reproducible sequences or normal distributions. Joyce Echessa |
Evaluating Scala and Sticking with Ruby — It’s uncommon to see a post about someone choosing Ruby over another (especially functional) language, but this author didn’t see a compelling reason to jump. Timothy Mukaibo |
Rails 5.2.1 RC 1 Released — The final release is due next week. Official Rails Blog |
💻 Jobs |
Ruby on Rails Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team. x-team |
Find A Ruby Job Through Vettery — Create a profile to connect with 4,000+ companies seeking top tech talent. Vettery |
📘 Articles & Tutorials |
Building a Testing Framework Similar to RSpec in Ruby — The new tool, Specifier, covers expectations, matchers, context, formatters, and a CLI. Kevin Sylvestre |
Rails 5.2 Encrypted Credentials Cheat Cheat and Tips Tomas Valent |
▶ Batching Background Jobs with Sidekiq — Sidekiq Pro or sidekiq-batch let you run a set of background jobs in parallel and then a callback once they’re finished. Go Rails |
Ruby 2.6 Added Some Options to Exception#full_message Codemancers |
Send Emails with Style in Rails — Most of us had already at some point to deal with the pain of sending HTML formatted emails using Rails. Here’s a few gems that help (mostly with CSS.) Imaginary Cloud |
Ruby 2.6 Adds Option to Not Raise Exception for Integer and Float Methods — Bye Prathamesh Sonpatki |
Building a Scheduled Newsletter in Ruby with IronWorker and Mailgun Manifold sponsor |
Bringing Fibers to TruffleRuby — Addressing one of the few areas that TruffleRuby lagged MRI, a new JVM technology allows fibers to execute much more efficiently. Chris Seaton |
Using Rails Encrypted Credentials with Docker — If you’re running your Rails app in Docker, here’s how to handle encrypted credentials from the command line, in a Dockerfile, and with Docker Compose. Chris Blunt |
Can I Use Ten 10% Speedups to Make Ruby Instant? (No..) — Or, “How do many speedups add up to one speedup?” Each speedup is not additive as much as it’s multiplicative because, you know, math. Noah Gibbs |
🔧 Code & Tools |
Undercover: Like RuboCop But For Code Coverage — Inspects files in a git diff and warns on methods, classes and blocks which need test coverage. Just in case you missed the article at the top of the issue ;-) Jan Grodowski |
Continuous Delivery on Modern Infrastructure - Run GoCD on Kubernetes GoCD sponsor |
MiniI18n: Minimalistic Internationalization for Ruby — Supports interpolations, fallbacks, nested keys and more. Marc Anguera Insa |
Orbacle: A Ruby 'Language Server' for Code Editors — Still early days, but aims to bring dynamic features to Ruby editing (e.g. jump-to-definition, autocompletion) in tools like Vim, Emacs or Atom. Rafał Łasocha |