#549 — April 22, 2021 |
Ruby Weekly |
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Why Our Puma Workers Constantly Hung, and How We Fixed It by Discovering a Bug of Ruby 2.5.8 and 2.6.6 — This equally epically titled and epically long chase down the rabbit hole digs into the MRI crevices and tracks down a bug which was happily resolved in Ruby 2.7.2 and up. If you like chasing bugs from graphs down to the final resolution, this is for you. Issues around this area of Ruby have been raised before. Yohei Yoshimuta |
Bundler 2.2.3+ and the Deployment of Ruby Apps — If you’re seeing weird bundler platform errors on deployment nowadays (for example: “ Prathamesh Sonpatki |
![]() On Heroku? Try Autoscaling the Rails Way — Avoid app slowdowns and slash your Heroku bill using the only autoscaler designed for Heroku and Rails. We automate both web and worker dynos (Sidekiq, Resque, DJ, and more). Try it for free in two clicks. Rails Autoscale sponsor |
Solidus v3.0 Released: A Rails-Based Ecommerce Platform — Solidus is a Spree fork originally created from a worry that Spree might not get updated anymore (although Spree is now fully alive). This 3.0 is a major level release due to a lot of removed deprecations (potential breakages for upgraders covered here). Solidus Team |
How to Build An App, Get Acquired by GitHub, Buy An App Back From GitHub and Then Sell It Again — If you’ve been in the Ruby world a long while, you might recall GitHub buying Speaker Deck from a company well known in the community. Here’s the whole story of how it went down. John Nunemaker |
Quick Bits
📘 Articles & Tutorials |
A VCR + WebMock "Hello World" Tutorial — We all want our tests to be deterministic (no randomness and able to be repeated) and VCR and WebMock provide different ways to make HTTP requests to external systems predictable and repeatable. Jason Swett |
How to Protect Access to Rack Apps Mounted in Rails — Whether its your own creations or things like the Sidekiq or Flipper interfaces, mounting Rack apps into Rails apps is pretty easy and here’s a look at how to add some basic authentication. Paweł Pacana |
Bitfields, Explained Like I'm 5 — A basic introduction to why an array of true/false values could come in handy. Krzysztof Zych |
Free eBook: Efficient Search in Rails with Postgres — Speed up a search query from seconds to milliseconds and learn about exact matches, trigrams, ILIKE, and full-text search. pganlayze sponsor |
Ruby 3.1 to Allow Accumulation of Ashik Salman |
Listing the Contents of a Remote ZIP Archive, Without Downloading the Entire File — René compresses (HA!) lots of content about ZIP file structure and uncommon HTTP requests to fulfill this task. René Hansen |
Rails 7 Enables Scoping to Apply to All Queries — This fixes an inconsistency with the Apoorv Tiwari |
The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets — The HTML-over-Websockets continues having a moment. This post goes through the history of how we got here and why the new approach takes the best of that history to make the future. Matt E. Patterson |
How and When to Use Shadi Rezek |
▶ Reducing Friction at the Authorization Layer with John Nunemaker
Rails 7 Adds `invert_where` Method to ActiveRecord
🛠 Code and Tools |
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rgeo 2.3.0 Released: A Geospatial Data Library — Implements the industry standard ‘OGC Simple Features Specification’ for representing objects like points, lines and polygons along with a set of operations. The examples in the documentation will give you an idea as to its use. Daniel Azuma and Tee Parham |
FastRuby.io Guides You on How to Prepare Your Rails Application for an Upgrade FastRuby.io sponsor |
Reform 2.6.0: Form Objects Decoupled From Models — Gives you a form object with validations and nested setup of models. Framework-agnostic and doesn’t care about your database. TRAILBLAZER |
wt_activerecord_index_spy: Report Missing Database Indexes
Disposable: Decorators on Top of Your ORM Layer
OmniAuth Auth0 3.0: An OmniAuth Strategy to Login with Auth0
DNSimple Ruby Client 6.0
acts_as_list 1.0.4: An ActiveRecord Plugin for Managing Lists