#593 — March 3, 2022 |
Ruby Weekly |
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The In-Depth Guide to Active Record's Paweł Urbanek |
A Look at Ruby's Fiber Scheduler Functionality — Added in Ruby 3.0, the Fiber Scheduler interface opens up a nice approach for working with asynchronous operations using standard Ruby methods (no frameworks needed), making parallel operations even simpler and gem dependency-free. Bruno Sutic |
![]() Free eBook: Efficient Search in Rails with Postgres — In this eBook, Leigh Halliday explains how to speed up a search query from seconds to milliseconds — walking through using exact matches, similarity matches with trigrams, partial matches with ILIKE, and natural language matches. pganalyze sponsor |
Import Maps Under the Hood in Rails 7 — Import maps provide a way to import external code into a project without a build tool (no Node or Webpack needed!) and support for them is enabled, by default, in Rails 7. Paweł Dąbrowski (AppSignal) |
Ruby Fibers 101 — Fibers (introduced way back in Ruby 1.9) are now getting some much-deserved extra attention due to the Fiber::SchedulerInterface released in 3.0 – this post provides another look in addition to the post already linked above. Swaathi Kakarla |
📕 Articles & Tutorials |
Adding Super Fast Frontend Search in Rails with Lunr — Create a very responsive search experience by indexing the content being searched in the browser. A clever, if unconventional approach, but it works for specific use cases. Khash Sajadi (Cloud66) |
RubyConf 2021: The Talks You Might Have Missed — RubyConf 2021 took place in Denver late last year and while we’ve linked to a few talks, Shopify has put together a list of summaries and links to interesting talks given by their engineers. Jennie Lundrigan |
▶ Hotwire Modals, with Zero JavaScript — If you don’t like writing any more JavaScript than you have to, Hotwire is refreshing, for sure. (6 minutes.) Pete Hawkins |
Project Management for Software Teams Has Never Been Easier — Shortcut is fast and intuitive project management built for developers. Delight the scrum gods and try it now. Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse.io) sponsor |
Zero-Downtime Migration of a Primary Key From Radan Skoric (Silverfin Engineering) |
Don't Waste Your Time on Asset Compilation on Heroku? — Precompiling and uploading assets to a CDN at the CI stage. Szymon Fiedler |
▶ Understanding Jason Swett |
▶ A Chat with Andrew Culver, Creator of Bullet Train — Bullet Train is a (paid) boilerplate app for building SaaS apps quickly on Rails. (49 minutes.) Code with Jason Podcast podcast |
🛠 Code & Tools |
Thredded 1.0: A Forum Engine for Rails Apps — We first linked to this project 6 years ago but it has now finally hit 1.0 and added Rails 7 and Ruby 3 support. It’s a message board system that works as an engine so you can run it standalone or as part of an existing Rails app, if needed. GitHub repo. Mazovetskiy, Oliveira, et al. |
WahWah 1.3: A Library for Reading Audio Metadata — For reading things like MP3 IDv3 tags, embedded images, and similar metadata in formats including MP3, M4A, OGG, OGA, OPUS, WAV, FLAC, etc. Pure Ruby too, with no dependencies. Aidewoode |
Build Video for Ruby That Just Works Mux sponsor |
Liquid 5.2: Safe, Customer-Facing Template Language for Webapps — Created at Shopify in 2006 (and still heavily maintained by them) Liquid is a popular way to bring flexible, safe templating and customization to end users. Shopify |
Yake 0.5: A DSL for Writing AWS Lambda Handlers in Ruby — The selling point is it uses a Rake-like declarative syntax. Alexander Mancevice |
Glimmer Wordle 1.1.0: Wordle in Ruby with a JRuby and SWT Powered UI
Jekyll 4.2.2 Released