#399 — May 17, 2018 |
Ruby Weekly |
Ruby’s New Exception Keyword Arguments — From the forthcoming Ruby 2.6 preview 2 release, some Kernel methods will support Square Corner Blog |
Rewriting Deprecated APIs with the 'parser' Gem — A look at reading and rewriting Ruby code using an AST and the parser gem to rewrite deprecated API calling code. Paweł Pacana |
A Rock Solid, Modern Web Stack: Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin + Create React App — A step-by-step tutorial creating and deploying a React client app connecting to a Rails API using content created via ActiveAdmin. Heroku |
![]() Fix Production Bugs in Seconds with Sentry — You’re relying on users to report bugs? Use Sentry to fix production issues in real time, right in your existing workflow. Cut time to resolution from 5 hours to 5 minutes. Sentry is 100% open source and loved by 500K developers. Sign up for free. Sentry sponsor |
A Look at Rails 5.2's Active Storage on Heroku — See how Heroku prepared for the release of Rails 5.2 and how to deploy an app on Heroku that uses the new Active Storage functionality. Richard Schneeman |
▶ FIXME: DHH's RailsConf 2018 Opening Keynote — An hour long keynote where DHH presents some of his high level ideas and philosophy around building modern software and Rails itself, much of which is around lowering barriers to entry and embracing ‘leaky abstractions’. RailsConf 2018 |
Deprecating Paperclip: What This Means to You — We linked to a Paperclip to ActiveStorage migration video last week, but here’s the official news and plan behind shutting down Paperclip in favor of ActiveStorage. Thoughtbot |
▶ RailsConf 2018 Videos Available: 26 Talks and Counting — Lots to enjoy from the recent RailsConf here in addition to DHH’s keynote (above). We’ll link to more we’ve watched and enjoyed over the coming weeks. Confreaks |
Gotham Ruby Conf 2018: A One Day Ruby Event in NYC on June 16 — Some fantastic speakers have been announced including Aaron Patterson and Rushaine McBean. GORUCO |
How Phusion Redesigned Passenger's App Error Page — You probably see this a lot if you use Passenger. It’s now better in 5.3. Phusion Blog |
💻 Jobs |
Lead Full Stack Engineer — We're a fashion startup growing at break-neck speed looking for a Ruby and Elixir star to lead our stellar dev team. TheRealReal |
Ruby on Rails Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team. x-team |
Ruby Expert? Sign Up for Vettery — Top companies use Vettery to find the best tech talent. Create your profile to get started. Vettery |
📘 Tutorials |
How to Mitigate DDoS using Rack::Attack — Kickstarter’s middleware makes it easy to block and throttle abusive requests. Ershad Kunnakkadan |
Build an Effective Initial Deployment Pipeline — The example uses GitLab for source control and CI/CD, deploying to multiple environments on Heroku. Amin Shah Gilani |
Securing User Emails in Rails — Encrypting personally identifiable data, like emails, is desirable in our new GDPR world. Andrew Kane |
Learn Like Your Career Depends on It (It Does) — Start a free 10-day trial and get access to expert-led developer courses, skill assessments and more. Pluralsight sponsor |
Adding GDPR Compliance to a Rails App — The EU’s GDPR is coming (May 25th) and non-compliance could mean fines. Here are the steps one Rails developer took to meet the regulations. Paweł Urbanek |
How to Create Charts in a Rails App with Just One Line of Code Paweł Dąbrowski |
🎥 Videos |
Sam Aaron, the Creator of Sonic Pi, Shares His 'Ruby Story' — Sam does a lot of fantastic work with Sonic Pi, the Ruby-powered live-coding music synth. My Ruby Story |
An Introduction to Event Sourcing for Rubyists Alfredo Motta |
The GraphQL Way: A New Path for JSON APIs Nick Quaranto |
🔧 Code & Tools |
Ultra-Fast Ruby Cloud Hosting. Test Out DigitalOcean for 60 Days DigitalOcean sponsor |
Discard: Soft Deletes for ActiveRecord Done Right John Hawthorn |
InvoicePrinter 1.2: A PDF Invoice Generation Library Josef Strzibny |
Ralyxa: A Ruby Framework for Interacting with Amazon Alexa — For creating Web services that provide Alexa skills. Sam Morgan |
Active Admin: The Administration Framework for Rails Greg Bell and VersaPay Corporation |
aws_public_ips: Fetch All Public IP Addresses Tied to Your AWS Account Arkadiy Tetelman |